Haunted Woods...

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Precaution, Oct 16, 2004.

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  1. OOC: sorry! got wrapped up in another thread "kill me if you want"

    Morichai sighed slightly and began to close her bag, closing the many catchces and zips attached to it. she glanced over to Del and Thi smiling slightly. she then looked over towards Xavier, she padded slowly towards him her pupiless eyes almost black in colour now. <span style='color:red'>umm...if you want i could try and fix your trousers, to save you jumping about again...</span> she paused for a moment before adding <span style='color:red'>do you want something to eat, or drink?</span>
  2. Del looked down at Thi and smiled at the nearly unnoticable change of color in her cheeks,
    <span style='color:red'>Come on, then-</span> he said, scooping her up and carrying her over to where his flight belt has been, he lowered her into a sitting position agaist the tree,
    <span style='color:red'>So, whats goin' through your head about now?</span> he said with a sly smile
  3. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class=ooc><tr><td>Kills Morichai</td></tr></table>

    <span style='color:blue'>Nothing,</span> she said turning her head slightly away but smiling mischeviously.
  4. Xavier turned his head slightly to get her in his view. <span style='color:red'>Nah, I'm good thanks... besides, I don't feel like walkin round even for a second buck naked in this creepy forest, there are some things I've seen in the depths that make even my beast seem scary... maybe I could share a few campfire stories later heh heh heh....</span> He flipped himself up, and after hitching up his pants, which had now begun to slip after even the slightest movement, he nodded to her and walked over to the others. <span style='color:red'>We got a plan for getting out of here? Or better yet, do you five? Before my spirit takes over again?</span> He paused, and took off his night vision goggles, which now perched dangerously on the tip of his snout. He tapped the strap with a metal replacement claw for a second, then sat down with a thump, wordless...
  5. OOC can i ask what the posting rule is?
  6. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class=ooc><tr><td> 2 posts, then you can go- POST NOW!!! YOU ARE LATE!!! lol :evillaugh: </td></tr></table>
  7. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class=ooc><tr><td>sniffle!!!!! :puppy: i wasnt told eep!!</td></tr></table>

    morichai made a mental note of his comment about a few stories later but swiftly moved on to how they would be getting out of here
    <span style='color:red'>is there no way to control it?</span> Morichai said to xavier, morphing into her more desired, bipedal form. she pulled out a skirt as she walked and clipped it around her waist, she sat down next to Xavier passing him a hemp cord,<span style='color:red'> this might help you keep your trousers up</span> she whispered to him giving a small smile as she held it out.
  8. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class=ooc><tr><td>just assuming, really- Pre usually does it that way, and its a good system, too :D </td></tr></table>
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