Hey guys! Anyway I change my name from Lindsey C Lou? I guess I didn't realize that was like my title... I want a cool alias like errbody else. Rookie mistakes. Also sorry for no posts. I've tried to join before Under the name of Orca. I felt a little overwhelmed at trying to figure out everything and ended up never really doing much. :/ However I have no clue what happened to that account. Anyways thanks and nice to meet everyone!
Hi Lindsey, welcome back :D The account is still there, so a simple 'Forgot My Password' process should be able to get it back to you if you like. We could possibly kill one for after merging the characters to make it easier to keep things straight. It can be pretty easy to be overwhelmed, we have a lot of history here but don't be afraid to ask questions and just learn what you need as you go. Don't try to consume all of it in one go!
I'm not sure what email I put it under. Anyway to get my characters to this account though? And If possible Change my name? Thanks Lautir!
Woot, excellent! It's like slipping back into old skin! No wait, that's kind of a disturbing image, don't think about it :x
Name changes and the like are beyond my scope so we'll need @Iversia to work her magic of account management. Do you want the characters from Orca on this new account?
Ooosh. Tall order. Just to make sure I'm following correctly: Merge @Lindsey C Lou into old @Orca account (so this new account will now have three characters), and rename it to Slightly?
Ooops. So I sorta just did a copy past and revamp of my character Cheri so I don't need him moved. If I could get my other Character Orca moved over that would be rad town though! Then we can kill that account. And if I could get my user named changed to Slightly that'd be schweet. ^^ Sorry for the trouble.
This sort of stuff happens from time to time. :) I've changed your username and I'll move Orca over early tomorrow morning (or late tonight) before nuking the account.