Just a small reminder, if the board's time is an hour out for you, go into your http://shadowlack.com/forums/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=04Control Panel</a> under Board Settings and uncheck the "Is Daylight Saving Time in effect?" box.
Hehe me too, i forgot to re ajust both my alarms and 6:30 wake up wasnt nice. Evil time any way, winter is uber cold.
Haha. You telling me that made me remember to change it. I hadn't changed it since moving from Texas, so it was off by a couple of hours. Aww. I had to get up at 6 on purpose, so feel happy that yours was just on accident. I have to get up at that time three days a week! :P
I wish we didn't. Yesterday simultaneously got longer (one hour) and shorter (darker earlier... sigh).
Ah me hates the winter its so cold and horrible and raining, yet to be fair it rains in the summer too. And spring and autumn, least its only cold cold in the winter though. *beats jack frost with a lightly toasted stick*
Thanks my time is finally set tp pacific on here, and not showing eastern time. The extra hour always throws me off.
It is, indeed, definitely nice when DST ends because we're not 3 hours difference from the East Coast anymore, just two. I know it doesn't sound like that much of a difference, but it kind of is. (: