Continuing their studies..

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by IzzyT, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. <font color='#810542'>before walking of with rain he yelled at Diable"oh, if you see Naraku tell him i still want to beat the crap out of him"</font>
  2. <font color='#A8A8A8'>Diable blinked remembering Naraku, that annoying 'dragon he had encoutered once with Yuin. "So do I!"</font>
  3. <font color='#810541'>"well then, if you do see him call me so we can double team him!"</font>
  4. <font color='#A255'>The niotie had watched all this very quietly but with great interest. Scrutinizing eyes sweeped over Rain eagerly, she had seen this one in the halls before... Perhaps it was her teacher? Looked like an interesting persona, to say the least. But she wasn't so sure of the other one, the fighting teacher. She didn't know much about fights, but to her, it had seemed more like a showing-off of powers than a lesson. Ah, but it was important to keep in mind: the only thing she knew was that she knew nothing.

    God she loved the school. Now sucking the last traces of food from her fingertips, the winged creature watched the actors depart from the stage, and without a final bow too. For a moment, she wa stempted to strike up conversation with the remaining pair, but it occurred to her then that she'd lingered about too long. After sending the male a quick thanks for the lunch, the niotie trotted off, disappearing amongst the academy crowds.</font>
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