Animatud Stuff

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Draconan, Mar 12, 2008.

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  1. I'm bored out of my mind, srsly, so, I make animated avatars for the lucky people to get the slots.

    I'll make three. Max size is 150x150 *pokes her avatar*

    Form Thinger-

    Profile Link:
    Ref (If Any):
    Effect (blinking, rain, blink+rain, or another simple mugshot effect):

    1. Thrai Bwekxa - Jutwras Brytzex - Finished
    2. Crystal Vixen - Telbaj - Incomplete
    3. Dark Eyed Dragon - Abagail Wuos - Incomplete

    Kk. Gogo?
  2. [​IMG]

    Need anything changed, say it now :3
  3. No, it's....... great. Nice work. What did you use.
  4. Adobe Photoshop CS3.
  5. Oh, I'll keep that in mind. Did you draw the pic first, or did you do the whole thing on CS3?
  6. Whole thing on CS3. Though I did use the same rain animation as my avatar. Except I changed around the layer opacity and didn't use nearly as many frames. Yours was five, Drac's was 22, but that's because of the blinking. xD
  7. That's pretty spiffy looking Drac! Mind if i grab a slot?

    Username: Temrn
    Character: Telbaj
    Profile Link:</a>
    Ref (If Any): All i have of her is a REALLY old one with no wings. IF you would like me too i could sketch up a quickie ref.
    Effect (blinking, rain, blink+rain, or another simple mugshot effect): Could i get a blink + rain if you've got the time? If not just rain would be sweet ^0^ :heart:
    Other: *glomp* hehe
  8. *updates* Lawls. i'll get to work as soon as possible!
  9. is it too late for me to get one?
  10. Yeah, mostly. Sorry.

    I have alot of art I need to do piled up that I have no time for these.
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