## alive an' kicking!

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by phylus, Jul 31, 2010.

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  1. hey all :)

    i know i've been absent for a ridiculously long time -- my last job happened to figure out i was spending way too much time on Shadowlack and blocked the site. which is comical, really, because i did shit all working for government and they barely had enough work to keep me sane. and trust me, i did ask for extra. ;P

    anyway! i've been keeping busy this summer volunteering and also trying to make a few commissions on the side through Furcadia. so i've been internet alive here and there. and i will return to Shadowlack -- likely in September, so about a month from now.

    me and Craig are going to go away on a trip to China :D :D :D for all of August otherwise i'd be coming back on sooner. when i return, though, i have every intention on picking up all those old threads and helping flesh out some flora and fauna. seeing as i've been working on commissions lately, hopefully my art will be better.

    okay long message done. c:
  2. Hello, hello! :heart:

    I haven't been on Furcadia in at least four years... haha. I know I still have an account there though because of their policy on names with paid portrait spots not expiring. I used to have a character named Delicious Bass. XD

    Totally jealous about your China trip. I've been making plans to go out in that direction as well, but I think I might end up hitting Thailand first. Travel ftw.
  3. Ahoy!

    heehee, I love my government job. I don't get many hours but it's plenty enough for me. I often try to undertake extra tasks there to stay busy :p

    A trip to China is very exciting :D Take lots of pictures!! And have fun!
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