<blockquote><p align="justify">Uriah smiled. “Yeah, I’m trying to stay on top of things, actually. Usually, I’m pretty bad about the whole studying bit. I probably won’t end up doing it right away, but I will get it done," he stated, rather sheepishly. He scanned the bench briefly, making sure he had collected all of his things. Finding he had them all, he smiled and nodded to the femme. “Well then, I’ll see you around. I’ll probably be around here all this week if you ever care to swing by an attempt another jam with me," the male stated. “Later." And with that, the albino male dispersed, treading through the snowed courtyard toward the dormitories. He pushed open the dormitory door with his free hand and with a final look-back and smile, he disappeared into the dorm, heading for his room.</p></blockquote>
Anila gave him a finial smile before she her self finally made a move to go off, she listing to his little talk about tests and smiled. That pretty much described most people, no one really liked to sit down and work unless it was their dream job or something. The only subject she would really like to sit down and do was art, but she hadnÂ’t taken that for a subject. To her it seemed like it more of a hobby than a profession really, artists seemed to have to struggle way to much. "Yeah cya Uriah." He smiled again, giving him a little wave. "See you soon." her departing words as she made her way to the cafeteria, her hand already in her pocket and thumbing out her change to make sure their was enough. A nice warm tea and a little hot food would be perfect right about now, and they really helped to warm her up.