I have a few suggestions. A fishie* Added: http://shadowlack.com/life/fauna.php?id=110http://shadowlack.com/life/fauna.php?id=110</a> <span style='color:blue'>Name: Cantian Tail Category: Marine Biomes: Ocean Depths Frequency: Common (around Aurius) Active: Anytime Diet: Bacteria Lifespan: Estimated 1-2 years Size: body is very small, but its tail can be as long as your average pendragon. Weight: unknown (but very light) Description: The Cantien Tail itself is very small. Its scales oddly blending into the water, its nearly invisible. In contrast, their tales stand out very wildly. Looking a bit like glowing seaweed, they can stretch out as long as most pendragons, depending on the age of the fish. Their colors vary largley from fish to fish. As schools of fish, they enjoy to play, which make them fun to watch. Long glowing tails wrapping and turning among themselves in the darkness of the water. Habitat: Living in the depths of the ocean, its near impossible to map where they actually stay. They are however common to see around the city of Aurius (might see a school every few days, but to find one right next to the town is a treat). Reproduction and Social Life: Based on the small tails among the school, Cantien Tails have a fast reproduction rate. Its difficult to study them, cause its near impossible to find one outside of a school. They always travel in a pack, and seem to only care about playing and having fun. Unfortunately, even around the most obvious threat, they show no fear. </span> an insect* Added: http://shadowlack.com/life/fauna.php?id=111http://shadowlack.com/life/fauna.php?id=111</a> <span style='color:blue'>Name: Tirollus (aka Tiny Roller) Category: Insecta Biomes: Boreal Forest, Mountain, Savanna, Tropical Rainforest, Temperate Forest, Grassland Frequency: uncommon Active: year round, excluding winter Diet: Decaying bark, leaves, etc Lifespan: 2-6 months Size: very small Weight: almost weightless Description: small grublike creatures, they have very tiny legs covering their entire body. Their skin is a dull brown color, and their legs look a bit like tiny hairs. Having so many legs allows them great mobility. They can move forward on their tiny legs, they can roll sideways, or they can move in any other odd direction they can manage. In contrast to their great movement abilities, they are very slow in speed. These are generally found under fallen trees or some other tight hiding place. Habitat: forest areas primarily. But any warm area with enough decay to support them will do. Reproduction and Social Life: Tirollus will spend their whole life looking for food, storing food and eating. Its not unusual for a Tirollus to die having a stash of food enough to last 3-5 lifetimes. A Tirollus will only stop hunting food once in its short life, and that is towards the end of its life, when it reproduces. After mating, the male will return to his stash and stay until he dies, the female will give birth and care for the newborn until she passes.</span> a small veggie plant* Added: http://shadowlack.com/life/flora.php?id=69http://shadowlack.com/life/flora.php?id=69</a> <span style='color:blue'>Name: Phae-Phae Leaf Category: Small Plant (vegitable) Biomes: Caves, Tundra, Mountain Frequency: common Diet: Edible: The roots are an edible vegitable called Phaetins. Size: max 24 inches tall Description: The plant itself is short, and usualy has very little leafage. Its stalk is a dark red, with its leafage a dull green. The leaves are long skinny spades, and are usualy eaten up by insects. Above the ground, these plants are not very attractive at all, much do to the areas they are found. Below the ground, however rest large beautiful roots. The roots, known as "Phaetins" can be either bright red or bright green. They're shaped much like the leaves. Pointed at one end, wide at the opposite. These Phaetins arent very tasty uncooked, but are edible. When cooked right, though, they are a favorite of many. Habitat: Phae-Phae Leaf is found in your dirtier areas. It doesnt grow well among grass and tree roots. Its possible to be farmed anywhere. </span> and a disease* <span style='color:blue'> Name: Falters Skele (Faltermans-Skelebrand Disease) Category: Non-contagious genetic disease Frequency: extremely rare Cure: No known, but there are medicines to slow pain and discomfort. Lifespan Average: Disease kills within 30 years of it becoming active. Target: The genetic disease follows a very old ancestry spanning the globe. Affecting the skeletal and muscular system, Falters Skele makes someone seem to age very quick. The bones get brittle over the years, the muscles tighten up. This makes one move slow, hunch over and eventually the worst happens, and your muscles tighten up so much that it snaps the spine. The disease lies dormant in those who have it until it suddenly kicks in. When it kicks in, it is sudden, and them feel a sudden soreness and always tired. From there it is downhill until their deaths. Of the infected bloodline, only about one in 4 actually contracts the disease, but even the uninfected of the bloodline can still pass it on. The actual origin is unknown. </span>
Discussed most of the things with you already. I'm going to send some through now. Oh yeah. I just noticed this. And it seems to quirk your Tirollus a lot. There are no actual 'months' in Ramath-Lehi. Only Seasons. Tria(Summer) Mia(Winter) Tessera(Fall) and Dyo(Spring). Read more about Timestamps for that infohttp://shadowlack.com/timestamp.php here</a>. If you're referring to 2-6 seasons, that's the equivalent to half a year - 1.5 years. Would you like me to change it to one year, since they survive until Winter? Or would they just hide far in the warm ground or something during the Winter so they won't really die? Just a minor confusion keeping me from putting it in. (and Jodie, I think the Flora Submission thing is broken.. AFter submitting Phae-Phae, it made a blank page. )
ahh. well, in that case, I'd say 2-3 seasons on the lifetime. Sorry for the mistake, i'm a super newbie, remember. :D
Fixed a couple of things. Flora submission works. Flora and fauna names just can't have dashes in their names because of the new naming conventions. ^^
It is. I've just been using the new format and there's no way to submit those yet. I'll add that in as soon as I can.
You can consider the disease "accepted." I think it's a pretty neat one. :) It most likely won't appear on the site until the new version goes live though. There's been a lot of re-coding going on.
<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Morichai @ Sep 3 2008, 05:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> you can haz saw nuthin D: </td></tr></table> Look! Tiny termaters! :o