Tribune 11th Hatchday! August 2013 Digest

Thread in 'Announcements' started by shriker, Sep 18, 2013.

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  1. #1 shriker, Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
    Shadowlack is now a whopping eleven years old! Time sure has flown. O_o; It's really amazing to have a pet project like this still kicking around after so many years. Thanks to everyone who has stuck around and made it possible!

    Here, have some cake! :cake:
    • Glims! If you've been a diligent lurker, you would have noticed a shiny new currency on the boards known as "Glims." Glims may be obtained by participating in roleplaying threads. You get more glims by replying to threads, and a bonus if you reply to a thread in a timely manner (less than 48 hours since the last reply).
    • You can now purchase additional character slots for 50 glims a piece. You may also retire a character (thereby freeing up a slot), for 50 glims. Gone are the days of the four character per account limit!
    • The Codex has been updated in order to bring back some old features, and also add some new ones. The Shadowlack Translator can now translate a multitude of languages, and also features a very handy "swap" button in order to quickly reverse a translation. The random name generator is back, with a host of improvements, as is the old colour contrast checker! If you have ideas for any other tools that you would like to see make an appearance in the Codex, please share them. :)
    • Many, many, modifications have been upgraded and improved upon.
    • There are now several trophies that are tied to donations, because I'm sneaky like that. Feel free to donate to Shadowlack. :heart: Every penny helps and ensures that this place stays immortalized on the internet.
    • Users are now able to donate using Bitcoin!
    In the coming weeks, Shadowlack's forum software will be undergoing a major upgrade which will speed it up even more (as well as add a few new features). The estimated downtime will be minimal, as I'm doing a lot of preparation in order to minimize the impact. I'm expecting just a few hours as many queries need to be run on the existing forum data. So here's to even more new things to look forward to!
  2. Woohoo! Happy hatchday to my favourite site! :D
  3. Hatchday pets!

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