

Primary Trade:
Elemental Summoning, Apprentice
Secondary Trade:
Fashion Design, Apprentice

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Tiramitsu Vaughan

  • Alluring
  • Attentive
  • Clumsy
  • Expressive
  • Observant
  • Shy
  • Tough
  • Description

    Insecure when it comes to appearance, Tira has a detrimental view to her own looks and attractiveness. She tries to hide herself in clothes whenever possible, and her stance often suggests a timid being at first glance.

    In the summer seasons, when clothing is reduced for all, Tiras' shape and allure is quite plain to see. Her short fur is a mid-grey tone, and has a gunmetal dusky purple sheen when in the light. Many hued aqua hair once flowed down her back and trailed off to an end at the trouser line. But she has since cut this style into a shoulder length and layered style that when left withough any curling or styling, sits in a cute and fluffy way around her face. There is a variation of shorter lengths around the face, and her hair often hides part of her face and eyes.

    Her eyes continue the aqua theme, but are much brighter and stand out from behind her darker hair. Often full of emotion and thought, her eyes seemingly swirl with different shades of aqua, which can give her a mischievous glimmer.

    Red being the colour that suits her best, she often wears tops of dark maroon. On her bottom half she wears a selection of combats, and on the odd occasion she'll wear flattering dresses - If she's not hiding under her favourite baggy hoodie, with a band name emblazoned across the front that is.

    Tira despite being an average 5ft 6" has an above average chest size, which makes her a little leer worthy and often spurs comments from mouthy males. Accompanied by and hourglass figure, Tira could easily seduce a male. Buts she lacks the confidence to do such a thing and finds it a little demeaning to use her body as a tool to getting a man.


    Making a ref @w@


    On first meeting Tira, one might say she is eccentric, bubbly and possibly a little strange. All of these are true - but there is a lot more to the gunmetal female than just those three things. Often kind-hearted and softly spoken one will usually have to listen to hear her gentle voice. More often than not she'll do her best to help fellow 'dragons and is a good 'dragon to have around when you're feeling down.

    But her soft heart is easily taken advantage of by the opposite gender, Tira being one who falls for simple charms easily and who can be easily controlled if forceful enough means that she'll be the one who ends up with the broken heart at the end of it all. Despite this she still manages to function properly and doesn't let it affect her meeting new peeps. Because of her numerous failed relationships, she is very self concious of herself and the way she looks, it is this insecurity that causes her to stutter when nervous or excited.

    Behind this smooshy heart is something harder. Even Tira has steel in her soul, but only when it comes to protecting the people she loves, she'll push aside her fears and stand strong - often forgetting that she could be hurt in the process. To say she would sacrifice herself for those close to her heart is not to be taken lightly, and much to Shadows dismay, she'll easily manage to get herself into these defensive positions. If it wasn't for him, she'd most definitely have had a few permanent scars by now. That said, she doesn'tget into these situations for no reason, there is a method to it all...somewhere

    So it could be a possibility that this disregard for her safety comes from her feelings that she somehow needs to prove herself, thinking that she can't and doesn't do anything good for anyone. This is also a link to why she likes to spoil people, though it usually it's because it makes her feel happy to splash out on others and that she has a large reservoir of Khasi which she could never spend in a lifetime, her parents were meticulous in planning ahead, and made sure that should the worst happen that she would not go without in the future. However she has only had access to this fund since she was 16 - which was also when she finally left the foster home and enrolled in Janardan academy.



    Tira lived a perfect life to begin with. She had a doting mother and a kind father, both of whom loved their only child dearly. She lived a life of luxury, yet Tira didn't have one of those spoiled attitudes a child often develops. Then again, Tira never really asked for much, she was quite content at home reading and learning with her mother.

    Her mother was a beautiful 'Dragon and was gifted in many things to with fromina, her fur was a silken light grey, her hair a river of sparkling aquamarine and her eyes a mysterious blue, her father often referred to her mother as his 'Angel', and Tira became his 'Little angel'. Her father was a successful and strong looking arden, muscular but very gentle and calm if not quiet. His colouration consisted of a darker gunmetal grey, with his eyes a bright aqua and his hair a darker smoky grey. She was definitely their child, a perfect mix of the two.

    It was a stormy night when the tragedy happened. Tira was staying with a friend for a sleepover when she got the call. Her friends mother handed the phone to the little eight year old with tears in her eyes. At first Tira didn't understand the police officer on the other line... their house had been struck by lightning, but it was only a flash of light...how could it hurt their huge house, her parents had passed away? Had they run away because they were scared?

    Politely she asked the arden when they would be coming back, her heart sinking deep into her chest with denial. Was this the same passing away that had happened to her grandmother? Had they gone forever. She wouldn't believe it, they wouldn't leave her...

    The male on the other end of the line gently asked to talk to her friends mother again, and she quietly passed her the receiver. Silently the elder thill took the phone, talked for a few more minutes before finally placing it back down. Tira was staring at the flooring intently, her brain trying to figure out what this meant. Her parents seemed so untouchable to her... Before she could stop herself, she began to cry, the tears burned tracks down her face as realization sunk in. They were with grandmother now.

    The police needed Tira to identify their bodies, and for the time being she was allowed to stay at her friends a little longer. It was the beginning of her first fear, in her mind death meant lightning and reliving the pain of her loss. When it came to identifying her last remaining family, she blacked out, their bodies had died from toxic fumes caused by smoke, to her they were sleeping, she touched her mothers face, but it was cold and hard, her fur was dull, they were just husks, shells without a soul. For the first time Tira fainted.

    Soon after she was entered into her first foster home. It was dingy and rough, harder than her previous life of luxury she was accustomed to. The "Parents" looking after her had very little patience for her sudden nightmares and hours of crying for her mother and father, and soon they gave her back to the agency saying how she was such a 'troublesome' child. It was for a long while after that she remained in what was essentially an orphanage. Being a cute child, she was often adopted time and time again before her tears and nightmares finally proved too much. Eventually she started going to less desirable people. Ones who didn't try and understand her hardships, and thinking she lacked discipline, she was often punished with her unconsolable screamings. It stopped her crying eventually, but it entered her into a world of silence. No-one had talked with her about her parents death, and soon she began to blame herself.

    For the last few years of her time in foster care, they finally twigged that she might need some councilling. She was refusing to eat at her foster home, had stopped speaking and sat curled up on the corner of her bed. It was on a routine home check that she found herself back in the "orphanage"  and she began to have meetings with a kind and sweet thill who would 'help her'.


    Seeing how far she's come today, its obvious that shes moved on from those dark days.  Whether it still haunts her?  Only the closest to her know.

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