Student seeking work


Primary Trade:
Dancing, Apprentice
Secondary Trade:
Empathy, Apprentice

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Nisorin Lisuin

  • Agile
  • Creative
  • Empathetic
  • Forgetful
  • Graceful
  • Lithe
  • Shy
  • Description

    "Pyat sha Fulcaj khyyta sha Gush, yj sha Gush sha Fulcaj?" Early in his life, Nisorin was asked this question by a homeless, broken Pendragon in the streets as he walked with his mother, offering him half of the sweet cake his mother had bought for him. As they walked the streets of Swaraj, he couldn't get the 'Dragon's words out of his head, still today they echo through his thoughts. Even at his young age, he'd had an affinity for the emotions and feelings of others. He could recognize sadness in others easier than most, and share in the joys of others when he was feeling down himself. Even with his so called gift, however, a child's naivety prevented him from being able to do anything about the myriad of problems between his parents. Quickly, he found himself without a mother, and his father on the run. So he was taken into the Janardan academy a year early, living there in exchange for help keeping the dorms clean. During his cleaning, he'd often start humming songs he'd hear dormers sing, working dances into his cleaning before he'd noticed. Each time, it'd start the same way. Drying a dish before he puts it away, his foot would begin to tap to an unheard beat, his eyes would shut momentarily as he puts the plate or bowl away, grabbing the nearby broom. With a spinning step he'd start his rather bad-sounding hum, sweeping up as he gradually broke into dance, sometimes falling so far into it he'd inadvertently draw magic into it, causing the occasional shimmer or spark as he'd move.Outside his dance, Nisorin was a rather quiet Feydragon, preferring to watch than participate. The living, ever since his meeting with the homeless 'Dragon, have always fascinated him. Their actions, emotions, all of it were highly interesting to him, and often seemed as mysterious as the very magic he called upon during his most recent dances.

    He's begun to make a living for himself, bartering money in exchange for dances utilizing his magical skills, inciting the crowd at dances to join him on the floor, or private exhibitions to calm the stressed and weary. As of yet, he's only skilled enough to excite few people, letting them spread the effect like wildfire, and his private exhibitions are, while focused, not long-lasting or powerful enough to remove the depression of a lost love, or similar event. While he does wish to help those around him with their issues, emotional or otherwise, it's for more selfish reasons than some would expect. The talent he was born with is both blessing and curse, for in addition to his own feelings, he feels those of the people around him, from Pendragons to plants and insects. This makes even daily life a difficulty for him, with some of the smaller stresses pushing him to his limit.

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