

Primary Trade:
Empathy, Master
Secondary Trade:
Healing, Master
Tertiary Trade:
Inner Sight, Master

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Lamaria Sonyarit

  • Charming
  • Creative
  • Empathetic
  • Energetic
  • Insightful
  • Reflective
  • Tough
  • Description

    Work in progress (:


    Lamaria is a woman of strength, both in spirit and physique. At approximately six foot, her body is willowy and, at first, unremarkable. But closer appreciation finds that both her legs and abdomen are gently-sculpted, and her arms baring the slight weight of muscle. She is a sea-faring thill, and thusly wields the body type. 

    Aiding her watery hobby is her sleek coat. Slick and dense, it is the coat of the 'Shiny Khell' and she bares it with pride. The colour itself does not lend itself helpful to the art of fishing, but makes her look like another glimmering fish instead! She is predominately apple-green with slicks of goldenrod sidling an off-white  underside, flecks of light magenta making show here and there. The colours merge at the tip of her otter-like tail and make a neat-o rainbow effect towards the end. At the other end of things is her face: it has a badger-like mask and usually presents a defiant half-smirk.

     Her muzzle is slender and long, a popular look for females of her blood, and her ears minimal and rotund. Curling around those ears usually would be locks of hair, clay brown, however out of habit her curls are cut and what's left is nothing but a smooth head.

     A definite feature of genetic flaw is her right hand. It has no more than two fingers and a stump of a thumb. The hand is visually contort but impedes her none. At times, however, it is a thing of embarrassment and shame.

    Lamaria has wings. I uh, just forgot them. Hold on, alright?

    Lamaria was once generous to a fault until her naive kindness was taken advantage of during her early 30s. The result of the incident has left her somewhat cold to the world and nowadays to form a long-lasting bond with the thill is a feat near impossible. While she enjoys the flavour if single-serving friendships and professional bonds she seldom entertains honest relationships.

    Lamaria has a preference for sarcasm and cutting humour, and her bold voice only enhances her sardonic tongue. This tends to deter many people -- most find her rude! Truth be told, Lamar' is a sweet girl. If she finds to have hurt someone with her crudeness she is almost always ready to apologize, although with time and thought. She is often over-confident, a curious cover for deep-seated insecurity, and thus requires some patience and gentle deliverance when it comes to making change.

     On the flipside, with patients Lamaria is utterly gentle and understanding; she listens without brutish, snarky remarks. This supple Lamaria is a mirror of her past character and is aided along by her connection with her clients -- she uses her inner-sight, consensually, and delivers back extreme empathy.

    Having begun life like many Khellin in Trilok, Lamaria passed her childhood away in the absence of burden. Her parents were established Alpaj amongst the Uojyju community, received good pay for their jobs and endless respect from their peers. Despite her visible disability Lamaria, with her winsome attitude and boyish sense of adventure, had many friends during her youth. Her elders, whom her parents were well-connected with, often were sources of much influence during this time. They constantly reminded the young niotie be grateful of her family and friends, to be ever kind and gracious to those who loved her. They taught her forgiveness and patience.

    And so, Lamar' grew into a remarkable young thill. The guidance she received from her community became the foundation for her present-day trades, although the discovery of her empathy came as quite a shock. So often was she immersed in the measures of others lives, for so terrific a listener she was, that she found herself dreaming to be within another person's body. She lived that one's life so aptly in the dream world that the sensations haunted her in the day. At the tender age of 12 the girl found class difficult to focus on, friendships hard to maintain, and simple daily activities heavily swayed by rushes of emotion she felt from pursuing them. This lull in academic achievement was alarming to her parents and soon became a disappointment. The disappointment plagued Lamaria deeply and only perpetuated her slew of emotion stew.

    So she lived as tumultuously as this for a year and it might've continued longer had her grandmother fallen ill. Lying in her deathbed the old thill requested for her granddaughter's touch while she spoke about her feelings concerning her final days, the essence of her life, the pain and pleasure. The story was just so riveting and the  impending sense of loss so sorrowful that the niotie fell down. She simply fell. Her grandmother's healer, who had been in the building at the time, immediately was on scene to make the important discovery. Her unique empathy and growing inner-sight were the cause of her recent heartaches and would be like so until she discovered a way to overcome it.

    Tradition had it that most Khell remained where they were born. Most children did not leave their parents, and many parents did not lose their children. So when this news came as did a certain realization: Astelle and Pardenis would be forced to lose their child. The schooling was rigorous and didn't advise frequent trips home. And so Lamaria was shipped away to Boreios Sudesha to learn at the Pjaunfaubaj School of the Arcane.

    [To be continued!]


    Lamaria, being a Healer and all, is always looking for clients. (: So if you're looking to stir up a plot, let's do it.

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