<font color='#CCCCCC'>Day: 9 Month: Tria Year: 2 Kazul was looking forward to teaching at the Academy as he walked down the halls. He looked down at the map he was given to find his class. Left turn and right turn, right turn again. Then he saw a door with “Kazul Reatuf, Inner Sight" Wow my own class. He thought to himself.   He opened the door and went inside. He made himself comfortable behind the desk while he waited for his class to show up. He didn’t know how many would be coming so he would have to wait.  He sat there going over his notes with his white eyes. He had his class planed out already, but with having inner sight  he knew that he might have to be ready to make some changes.</font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie opened the door slowly, then poked her head in, she noticed the teacher then smiled, and walked upto the front of the class, "Hally, Mi numa et Sharie." She gave a small bow then sat down. She was excited about this, it was her first lesson at Janardan Academy, her mother had taught her most of her life, but Sharie wanted to make friends, that's why she enrolled here. She waited for the other students to arrive.I hope I get along with them she thought to herself.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'>Kazul looked at his first student. He let out a small laugh when she gave him a bow. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Es’t meka sy naas iyo Sharie. Iyo pym’s huba sy ryf sy na. Iyo kum kull na Kazul. E fell ra iyoj saukhaj vyj shet klutt. Py iyo gjavaj Ramathian yj nypajm lumdouda?"</span></font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie quickly replied, "E gjavaj Ramathian, E cmyf baji lessla yv sha nypajm lumdouda, ut E huba djyfm og ujyomp Ramathian tgaucemd gujamst." She smiled at the teacher, not many people who sh emet actually spoke Ramathian, so this came as a welcome surprise to her. "Uja iyo azgaksemd umi yshaj tsopamst?" She blushed a little when she asked this, as she was looking forward to meeting new people.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'><span style='color:"EEEEEE "'>“Fall yma kum mabaj jaulli cmyf ros E shemc fa nedhs taa tyna nyja."</span> He was hoping for more students also. He likeed to teach and wouldn’t mind a big class. <span style='color:"EEEEEE "'>“Ri sha fui py iyo cmyf umishemd ym Emmaj Tedhs yj et shet u maf syy iyo?"</span></font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie took a moment's thought. "E cmyf mazs sy myshemd." She had a small look of disappointment on her face at the though of no other students. "Shet nui tyomp tsogep, ros fhus azuksli et Emmaj Tedhs?" She blushed again, and tried to hold in an embarassed giggle.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'>Kazul wrote down her name almost forgetting on a piece of paper. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Shus ycui ev iyo pym’s cmyf umi shemd uryos es. Ump iyo fell huba sy fues sy das sy cmyf sha rutekt rakuota shus’t fhus E’ll ra tsujsemd yvv fesh."</span> He smiled.</font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie smiled, she was glad that they were starting with the basics, she hated being far behind other people. "Fham pep iyo vejts tsujs laujmemd Inner Sight?" Sharie was trying to make conversation while she waited for some more students to arrive.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'>Kazul let out a small laugh. He moved from behind to deck to beside Sharie. Knowing it would be a lot easier to tell the story. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Myf shaja et u tsyji shus iyo kum cmyf. Ros sy las iyo cmyf es hut my raddemd ump my amp, qots u neppla us sha nynams. Haja E dy. Es ull tsujsap 1000 iaujt udy fham E fut 2000. E fyca og yma pui em sha neppla yv Numtoch. E pepm’s cmyf es us sha sena fhaja E fut ump es et u gluka cmyfm vyj es’t tsjymd Vjymenu. E pym’s cmyf hyf E dys shaja yj fhi E fut shaja. E tsujsap sy fulc ujyomp sham fams emsy u sjumka. E tuf ni gujamst. Shai faja qots shaja tsujemd us na. E pym’s cmyf hyf E cmaf es fut shan, E qots pep. E sjeap sy fulc syfujpt shan ros mabaj dys klytaj. E sham jum emsy u sjaa ump fut rukc em ni rypi."</span> He let out another small laugh at that part of the story. Then continued. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“E tgams u iauj fympajemd sha lump dassemd sy cmyf ni gyfajt. E fut sjuemap ri u ylp feta taaj E vyomp u vyjats yma pui. E lebap fesh hen vyj umyshaj iauj. Ha suodhs na abaji shemd ha cmaf ump nyja. E tsuiap fesh hen omsel ha…..ha guttap ufui. E sham tgams ni iaujt laujmemd sha lump ump azglyjemd sha nitsajeyot gluka yv Vjymenu fesh ni nemp. E sham jaulexap shus E fumsap sy saukh haja, us sha Ukupani sy thyf yshaj fhus ha suodhs na."</span>  He took a deep breath before he finished. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“E doatt shus hyf E dys haja. E vyllyf sha Vjymenu iyo kum tui E doatt."</span></font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie had a puzzled look on her face as she tried to make out what he just said. "Ty iyo betesap u gluka fesh Fronima Nas u num shaja, laujms Inner Sight ump sham radum sy saukh haja, jedhs?" She took a deap breathe. "E pym's shemc shus umiyma alta et kynemd." she frowned at this. Atleast i have the teacher to talk to... \\OoC// So now you translate it :P lol</font>
<font color='#3399FF'>Spark came bounding into the classroom.He hoped that he wasn't intruding on anyones private conversations. Hi! My name is Spark. I have understood a few of the words you have said but not many. I am guessing you are speaking Ramathain. I never learned it, so would it be possible to speak in a tongue which I can understand?</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'><span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“My, tyjji ni tsyji kum ra tyjs yv kymvotemd tynasena. E fell sji uduem. E yma pui fyjc og em Numtoch, fesh my nanyji yv ni guts. Fham E fut shaja E fams sy u sjumka ,mys lymd uvsaj E dys og, ump tuf ni gujamst(ems sha sjumka). E jum emsy u sjaa ump fut rukc em Numtoch. Fham em Numtoch E vyomp E ylp taaj fhy suodhs na ump uvsaj ha peap E azglyjap sha lump ump yma yv sha shemd sha ylp taaj thyfap na fut, sy dy em sy Vjymenu fesh ni nemp. E fams shaja lyycemd vyj ni gujamst. E pym’s shemc shai uja uleba. Ump myf E saukh haja. Pyat shus klauj shemd og?"</span> Kazul said it all with a bit of speed. He then saw another student come into the class. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Hello Spark."</span> Kazul went back behind his desk. And worte down Sparks name. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Hyf nokh kynnym py iyo cmyf Sharie?."</span> OOC: I will just wait till the end of school today I want to give people a chance if anyone else want to join.</font>
<font color='#3399FF'>Ok well, I can get my friend to help me translate if Sharie, I think I caught that much, cannot speak a common tongue. So let me try this; "Hally! Ni muna et Spark, E un doattemd shus iyo uja Sharie ump E hubam's dyssam iyoj muna gjyvattyj jaul tyjji!" I hope their aren't too many errors! He sat down and looked around the class alittle bit.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'><span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“You are sounding pretty good there Spark. Ni muna et Kazul."</span> Kazul smile I thought that he might as well start the class. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'> “E doatt shus iyo faja ull nytsli azgaksemd u vanula saukhaj vyj shet klutt ros es lyyct leca iyo uja tsokc fesh na temka iyo pym’s yvsam taa u nula fesh emmaj tedhs ump salacematet. Fhela E rassaj das shet klutt tsujsap sham. Ycui, tyna gaygla taa emmaj tedhs ut umyshaj fui sy lyyc us u tesouseym vjyn u tgejesoul gyems yv beaf yshajt shemc yv es ut taaemd feshyos emtedhs et taaemd feshyos ompajtsumpemd. Es et taaemd feshyos petkajmemd tedmevekumka, ump shus et mys jaulli taaemd us ull. Shaja uja u vaf pevvajams munat shus es dyat ri leca, sha fhyla geksoja, emmaj tedhs, kluejbyiumka, sha shejp aia."  </span> He stop to look round too see who was paying attention and to give them a chance to keep up for those who might be where taking notes. Then he continued. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“ Tyna ulty tui shus shai ota sjeap aia sy ota emmaj tedhs, shai tui shus es et sha dusa shus ygamt sy sha tguka yv kymtkeyotmatt ump emmaj fyjlpt. Es’t mys jaulli umyshaj aia ym iyoj vyjahaup ros shai tui es’t 'tfeskh' fhekh uksebusat hedhaj tsusat yv kymtkeyotmatt ump azgajeamkat yv tgejesoul beteym. Sy das rassaj fesh iyoj emmaj tedhs es sucat guseams roelpemd. Yc" </span> He would stop there for a minute as he used his white eyes to look over the group. Nad to also give him self a break. <span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>"Umi woatseym ias?"</span> OOC: Wow my 100th post. *runs around giving them all a hug* sorry you have a lot to translate</font>
<font color='#FF0000'>"E ymli cmyf hyf sy tui Hi, How are you, ump What is your name" Sharie scribbled down all he had said, she could write very fast, but basically no-one but her could actually read what she was writing. She could write neatly if need be, but when taking notes, she preferred doing this. She finished writing down the notes, then looked around to see if anyone was going to ask a question. She also tried to think of a question that she could ask. Hmmm, he'll probably explain it all anyway.</font>
<font color='#3399FF'>I guess you weren't kidding that you have a hard time with the common tongue. Well it was a very good try anyways though. He tried to say it slow enough for Sharie to explain.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'><span style='color:"EEEEEE"'>“Yma yv nyts engyjsums cemp yv taaemd et sha taaemd yv tgejesoul jauleseat. Numi gaygla uja rlemp sy shata. Shai taa fall amyodh fesh sha ghitekul aia, ros shaej emfujp aia et rlemp, ty shaej gajkagseym yv shet fyjlp et vuolsi. Sha ghitekul geksoja et klauj, ros sha tgejesoul emtedhs et pen. Shet pujcmatt yv haujs kyolp jatolst em tgejesoul paush. Fa uja ty otap sy taaemd fesh yoj aiat ump haujemd fesh yoj aujt shus fa mabaj ufucam yoj emmaj gajkagseymt. Em shet azajketa, iyo'll taa hyf tengla es et sy taa, vaal ump hauj shemdt vjyn emtepa iyoj rypi. Emmaj Letsamemd et patedmap sy ufucam iyoj emmaj tedhs, iyoj emmaj haujemd, ump iyoj emmaj cmyfemd. Nyts yv sha sena, shata tamtat uja fyjcemd omkymtkeyotli. Shet azajketa last ot ukkatt shata tamtat sy nuca kymtkeyot yrtajbuseymt. Myf ull iyo das kynvyjsurla, tsumpemd og yj liemd pyfm, es pyatm’s nussaj. Fa uja qots dyemd sy py u siga yv azajketa sy halg ot fesh yoj emmaj tedhs."</span> He would give them some time to get comfortable and finish taking notes. Before he started to give instructions.</font>
<font color='#FF0000'>Sharie squirmed aorund, trying to get comfortable. She lay on her side, but then decided that she didn't have a good view of what the teacher was doing, so she sat up. She slightly hunched her back, then leant her face against her soft, warm paws. She started breathing slowly, doing a little mind exercise of her own, to help her concentrate. After a few seconds she let out a large breathe. I wonder what he's going to show us.</font>
<font color='#3399FF'>Spark did the same. He squirmed in the same fashion as Sharie, and tried to lie down while still looking at the teacher. Finally after finding a couple books he put it on his desk and laid it underneath his head.</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'>He saw that they had both made themselves comfortable then started the exercise. <span style='color:EEEEEE'> Vejts shemd vejts klyta iyoj aiat sall na fhus iyo taa pymÂ’s py umi shemd sy nuca iyo taa tynashemd qots fhus iyo taa tsujemd us iyoj aialept.</span> He would wait for a reply before he continued.</font>