<font color='#CCCCCC'>Day: 9 Month: Tria(ooc:if it's not please correct) Year: 2 Kazul was looking forward to teaching at the Academy as he walked down the halls. He looked down at the map he was given to find his class. Left turn and right turn, right turn again. Then he saw a door with “Kazul Reatuf, Inner Sight" Wow my own class. He thought to himself. He opened the door and went inside. He made himself comfortable behind the desk while he waited for his class to show up. He didn’t know how many would be coming so he would have to wait. He sat there going over his notes with his white eyes. He had his class planed out already, but with having inner sight he knew that he might have to be ready to make some changes.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'>You know, you can delete your own posts... *points to the delete link next to the edit and quote links..*</font>
<font color='#CCCCCC'>It's not working it just says "You are currently logged in as Lautir " then it says to go back.</font>