We do not moult..

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by Tasit, Jun 1, 2013.

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  1. Hello, hello. Quickly forget the silly play on a Game of Thrones saying and let's jump right into history shall we..
    For half of the past decade my RP group enjoyed rolling eletronic dice and spamming mumble. Then we supposedly grew up, got jobs, went back to school, got a sex change, etc. and the game that brought us together collapsed. Borderlands can only fill that gap so much and I needed to get back to the book club you might say.
    Been shopping around at popular play-by-posts sites for maybe a quarter now, to lukewarm disappointments, and only tonight thought to google "role play lists" then clicked this site from one of the top 100 listing sites.
    Picturing this world or any of the stereotypes held within has been a challenge to me. Which is freaking great. With that came some fresh ideas that inspired a fresh feeling. That feeling I might need my hand held through a distinctive game again. Rather than that feeling I'm stepping into another fanflop. The only warmth that forementioned hand has felt recently came from the goop wiped from my metaphorical shoe. If you can't tell some Myth Weavers and the shallow like elsewhere have left me bitter. Such weak plotting, such narrow thinking, so much waiting, and the acting? Yuck. You wouldn't respect an emotionally destitute alien typing with his e-peen would you? Of course not. You'd only tolerate them to be respectful and that's not the kind of fun I wish to stick around for. Thus the hunt continued and now I'm here as prey.
    If my hunger for creative interactions can't be sated this time, I'll blame myself.
    Cause you lot seem too nice to stay mad at. ;)
    shriker likes this.
  2. Welcome, Tasit!

    Shadowlack is quite the... mishmash of ideas and concepts. Hopefully this place doesn't leave you feeling bitter. :P Most of our focus has been on world building this past few years, and not so much individual roleplaying. But, it's an awesome place and you're guaranteed all sorts of freedom that you're unlikely to be able to get at a lot of other online writing games. So here's hoping that you'll be able to carve your own sort of niche here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask 'em. :)
  3. Thank you that clearifies a bit and sounds great.
  4. Hello Tasit, welcome to Shadowlack :D
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