So um... *nervous foot shuffle* hi.

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by shriker, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. It's been a lot time since I wrote an introduction… and what better way to kick things off in the new forum. I encourage existing members to also do the same. Specially if you've had intermittent activity over the years. Let us know what's up!

    My name is Jodie, and I've been your admin monster for over a decade now. I started this site while I was in high school and it has since become a dear internet home to me. I have lost count of how many hours and how much money I've put into this place. You're all worth every penny and second. ;)

    I've had all sorts of aliases over the years, but the most common ones have been: Spectra Diabolus, (Kakosenas) Shriker, soulwolf (from Neopets), and Solace. I started roleplaying many moons ago. The first online game I joined was called Horses4Ever, next came Aggellafe, and after that I made a home at a place called Sinlahekin. From there I was involved in a number of roleplaying games, both being a member and an administrator. In 2002, I made Shadowlack (fka Ramath-lehi), and the rest is history.

    I have a Bachelor of Design degree in Visual Communications Design and work full time as a Web Developer/Programmer and Illustrator. I'm online nearly 24/7 due to the magic of smart phones.

    I am incredibly queer friendly and Shadowlack has always been a welcoming place for people (creatures? ;P) of all types.

    I have two cats: Zero Cool (a very fluffy ragdoll) & Moogle (a mixed mutt of awesome).
    zerocool.jpg moogle.jpg

    I'm polyamorous and currently have two girlfriends (who does LARP and understands all of this roleplaying nonsense and and another who is also our amazing and wonderful server admin). I also have a Violet Wand that I zap people with on occasion. Bzzzzt!

    Nice to meet you! :)
  2. I have a question for you.

    Ever done an MU* RP?
  3. Yep, I have. I haven't been really active in one for years though. I think I've been in a Lion King one before, a neat wilderness themed one, and a couple of fantasy ones. I haven't done much chat roleplay as of late it can be tricky to fit time for it into my schedule. :)
  4. The first name I knew you by was Spectra and I always took it as a strange sign because the box I kept next to my computer when I first joined had the brand name SPECTRA on it. Since then I take all coincidences very seriously.

    I also feel like I should let you know that I’ve stolen your girlfriends name for my next NaNo novel :X
  5. That is quite the coincidence. :P I miss having Spectra around. There aren't many stripey wolf creatures these days. She used to run a pack called Blood Wolf Bay... ages ago. Eesh.

    Bwaha. That's awesome. Funny thing is, she is/was considering participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I'm not entirely sure if I will, or if I'm going to do some sort of sketchbook project instead.
  6. I mostly recall you being Shriker for the longest time. Probably because that was the majority of my stay here :3I do remember your neopets and Spectra but shriker was pretty much what i got used too :3

    BUT HAAAAAI! I'd like to take a moment to say: YOU ARE AWESOME!
  7. I went by Spectra Diabolus for ages. Well, it was my primary alias for the longest time. I miss it sometimes. I kind of wish there was a place where I could bring that character. :) Shriker has been around though since... 2001. Eep. Also quite a long time.

    You're just as awesome! :D
  8. Why not bring back spectra? Whats holding you back? :3
  9. I think it's largely because I haven't found a place where she'd fit. She's a strange creature, that one. :)
  10. Aaaaah~ Hmmm. doesnt meant there couldnt be a new discovery on RaL with some strange creatures in an area unexplored~ ^^
  11. Maybe, but that feels like cheating. :P
  12. I think of it as a creative expansion : ) Something that perhaps could bring some different species, etc. : )

    Which reminds me. I still have a species to finish writing! But i dont see that thread here anymore. You dont by chance still have that in the archives somewhere do ya? *off topic* *searches*
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