Salutoritations, most likely.

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by Salvation, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Uh, hi. These sorts of posts are things I'm not great at; OOC talking is not really my thing. Any-ways. Hi. I'm Sal. I've wandered this way curiously to see what's up. Ernest to meet ch'all, and whatnots.
  2. Hi Sal, welcome to the site!

    While OOC chat is not required we do love to hear from ya :D How are you finding the site so far?
  3. Welcome, Sal! OOC talking definitely isn't required. We have plenty of people who just lurk. :)
  4. I'm finding it expansive, actually; there's so much detail! I've never done science-fantasy-y sorts of things before, so I'm hoping I don't bunk it all up.
  5. Aw, try not to fret too much over that. :) I've been running the place and even I don't know everything that there is to know. No one is going to grill you on your knowledge, and we're a super friendly bunch.

    We're also totally open to suggestions and feedback, specially when it comes to integrating new players. So if you find something in the guides that are misleading, or confusing, point it out and we'll see what we can do to fix things and further clarify.
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