Ramath-lehi's Server

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. That time of the year is coming around again. You know, Ramath-lehi's billing period. While it's not a particularly fun period, it's the time of year where I have to shell money in order to keep us in business for yet another year. What I was planning on was getting us an entirely new server, however I just haven't been able to drum up enough interest in order to warrant such an expense. So until I'm out of college, and things are more steady, our current server is going to be our home.

    With that said, we need a few hundred dollars in order to stay in business. Ramath-lehi is in no danger of disappearing. However, if you would like to donate a few dollars to the server fund, a small PayPal donation link can be found at the bottom of each page.

    As a little added incentive, if you donate more than $15, you'll get something special when the new version of the site goes live. Be sure to PM me with the email address you used if you do donate, just so that I can keep a record.
  2. O: I must find a way to turn my monies digital.
  3. Awww, darn. I wish I had $15 to give.
  4. heh-heh, how about ten? (; i jest, i jest. i hope you're not short on cash!
  5. I'll see if I can drum up something. :3
  6. Thank you to the people who have donated so far! :heart: I kind of wasn't expecting people to actually do it. Not that you all aren't awesome. ^^;

    At the moment we're at roughly 1/4<sup>th</sup> of the total server cost. The payment itself isn't due until August, so there's still time to contribute money. Even if it's just $3 or $5. Ever little bit helps. :)
  7. y'know my work motto is : every little helps.....

    You reminded me with that :3 Hahaha i hate it >3 Neways , 3/4th to gooooo!
  8. I'll definitely be donating before August =) I might have to hijack my brother's paypal though XD
  9. Indeed and i still have to verify mine...
  10. I love having paypal ^^ Tho, spending my funds for a new tablet is bad. But bah! This place is my home! Tablet can wait! Id feel bad if i didnt donate anything if i had the money too. You keep the site updated and everything Jodie!!! I wish i could help out more then being here and donating and whatnot. :heart:33333
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