
Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Eniar, Sep 8, 2008.

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  1. Plant Name: Vlosa
    Category: Medicinal Herbs
    Frequency:Extremely Uncommon/Rare

    Description: Vlosa are hard, like a shell, and sound hollow inside. When they are young, they're a bright green, slowly darkening with age. As it grows old, the outside shell softens and crumbles away to reveal a blue/green muck that can be used for different things. It's most potent when the Vlosa is young, though the shell is nearly impossible to crack open unless it's old.

    Size: 3-5 feet tall, 4 inches around.

    Edible: When the Vlosa is old and soft, the shell is edible. The muck inside can be used for healing purposes. You can coat an open wound with it to stop the bleeding, and it will harden when held over fire.

    Biomes: Tundra, Mountain

    Miscellaneous: It's called a Vlosa because in strong wind it sounds like someone is playing a flute. The only way to find them, really, is to follow the sound.

    Edit: I was thinking you could only see the sap if you cut away the shell, even if it's really old. And the sap could kind of be like the seed, so when the plant dies and the muck isn't harvested, it grows into a new plant using the dead plant's nutrients.

    They're kind of like reeds, I suppose, the kind that grow around ponds, except they look like just the stem, and the plant has hollow ridges that make the flute-like sound in really harsh wind, which is why they're so hard to find, and it's hard to cut the stem because it has so many shells to protect the seed.
  2. so, i think the idea of the plant is very cute.
    but some suggestions:

    - the vlosa appears to occur in a variety of biomes. generally speaking, and this is the ecologist in me speaking out, if an organism can function in such a wide variety of climates, then it is a generalist species and therefore is gonna be pretty common. so i would suggest maybe limiting the vlosa's biome to just one or two?

    - just to clarify, the inner 'sap' is visible completely when the vlosa is in its final stages of life? what happens if the muck isn't harvested and just remains exposed?

    - describe the plant more... i imagine something that's fairly tall, upright, and gets increasingly larger in diameter as it gets taller. maybe with a few holes in it. (; to increase flute-likeness.
  3. Is that any better? :)

    Oh, and another:

    Name: Colmias
    Category: Tree
    Frequency: Uncommon

    Colmias is a miniature tree, only about 4 inches tall. The trunk curls in on itself slightly, though this feature is hidden by its many leaves. They are a blue/purple color that virtually shines in the dark and very small, about the size of a child's claw. The bark is rough, but easily pulled away, and a rusty red in color.

    Uses: Both the leaves and bark can be used to dye clothes, and the leaves can be used to make candy. They are very sweet and make your mouth water. The bark, while edible, should only be eaten when absolutely necessary. It soaks up all the moisture in your mouth and tastes bitter and dry.

    Biomes: Grasslands, Mountain, Wetland, Tropical Rainforests

    Miscellaneous: They are only uncommon because they are so small and hard to find unless in the dark.

    I'm feeling creative today. :D
  4. Mm, I like both suggestions =D particularly the Vlosa, as we don't have anything right now which uses its sap as its seed. It's an interesting concept! Certainly original.

    The only thing I'd say about the Colmias is, if it's only uncommon until nightfall, then it'd be common, wouldn't it? Or at least not uncommon? 'Tis fine if it's still uncommon, it just requires some more clarification. If it's the case that it's fairly common but only truly noticeable during night-time, then that'd be worth noting, because, when people come to play with it, they should be aware of the stricter guidelines so they can play along the lines you'd intend them to.

    Keep it up though! All contributions greatly appreciated :fishie:
  5. I was thinking more it's uncommon because it's small, like <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>teeny tiny</span> so it's hard to see even when it is glowing. I can re-write it, if needed. :snake:
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