Opinions, please. x)

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Beast, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. EDIT: http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn134/gleeful-beast/unnamed2.pngIt's decided!</a>
    I think this is the set of markings I'll use. A combination of both choices. & LOOK! I (kind of) fixed his dangerously low pants. xD

    (And now, back to your regularly-scheduled programming.)

    So! I always get this irrepressible urge to draw characters that don't actually exist yet, instead of doodling the lovely little beasties I've already made~

    (Mostly 'cause they're not actually that lovely, and I get frustrated when I read their poorly-written descriptions. D:< )

    Here's yet another drawing of an unnamed, undeveloped character! Actually two drawings, because I'm not sure which set of markings looks best, or if both are nothing more than hooey. Basically, I'd like a bit of feedback: which works better & why, or do neither appeal to you & why?

    http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn134/gleeful-beast/unnamed.pngChoice 1.</a>

    http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn134/gleeful-beast/unnamed1.pngChoice 2.</a>

    Things of Note:

    1. I'm aware that the anatomy is ridiculous! I'm just not that great at drawing guys.
    2. Lowest lowrise jeans in the universe! A single fateful jiggle could result in temporary vision loss for the viewer. D:
    3. I hope you can tell, but his hair is in dreads (which are then pulled back in a ponytail) except for the bangs, which are.. normal and hairish.
    4. If it makes any difference, his personality is most likely going to be very shy & self-conscious, maybe even self-loathing to a degree.
    5. He's got no tail. Born without, methinks.
  2. I think the face marking on the muzzle is great on choice one, but i like the extras on choice two.
  3. I quite like the first one ^^ i think that the second choice is a little too cluttered (maaaaybe. i look at it and it seems to look good too XD but i have this affinity for the first one XD)
  4. I agree with Crystal on that the second looks a little busy, may just be because I like simpler markings x)

    Love the colour choices, you always have such lively looking characters!
  5. Morichai: Me too! c: I like the face better without that extra stripe, but then I like /some/ of Choice 2's extra markings (mostly the collar bone thing).

    Crystal Vixen: Yeah, that's what I was worried about. D: It started looking /too/ coordinatedly stripy and full of markings. & I think, generally, I like the first better. I just wasn't sure, 'cause when you compare them side-by-side, the first almost looks plain.

    Lautir: Yep. xD & thank you~ I love pretty colors. x3
  6. I really like the second design, but I prefer more complex and busy character appearances.. so yer. He's going to make an awesome character.

    Wish I could comment more, but I have to go to class soon. But good luck with whichever you choose. Both are great, I just prefer number two.

  7. Thank you. c:
    Yeah... usually I like simpler character designs. x3 Easier to draw, easier to color, easier on the eyes (in this case, anyway), easier to describe. But I do like aspects of the second choice, too.

    EDIT: Plus, he's like.. rather scantily clad, at the moment. xD I think that once I draw him with clothing & jewelry & whatnot, the first design may not look so plain.
  8. ILOVEIT. 8D

    But, yeah, I love dreadlocks. :heart:
  9. Thanks.

    Me too! 8D I'm considering dreading my hair once the mohawk bit gets long enough. Dreadhawks are so beautiful. x)
  10. I have very... uh, "white" hair, as some of my friends refer to it, so it'd be kinda hard for me, I guess. xD My parents say I can't until I'm eighteen, though. :c
  11. It's possible with nearly any hair texture; it just requires more maintenance for some than others. o: Yeah, it'd be tough, especially in the first 3-5 months, but it'd be so worth it. x)

    & aw. D: I haven't even asked my parents yet. I fear what my dad might have to say. :c Sometimes I'm kind of amazed that I still have the hair I have, to be honest.
  12. The finished version is really amazing. :heart: I definitely want a roleplay with your character sometime. :3
  13. :3 Thank you!

    & definitely. x) As soon as I finish writing up the character thinger & get it approved, we can rp.
  14. You're welcome :}
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