Online Movie awards

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Xander, Jan 14, 2009.

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  1. Yo poeple, this page has been created to show appreciation for any movies you have seen in the past 6 months, however the movies must have been releaseed within the past twenty-nine years, or it simply goes insane with classics to old for those of us to young to know what the hell your talking about.

    Rules:One; you must have at least one catagory and at least one valid reason per movie. Two;they must be given in this format

    Speed racer

    accidentily f***ing hilarious!

    reason in catagory (this can be abreviated to RC!)
    I laughed myself almost to the point of peeing in most of the tripier race sequences, these parts were almost certainly supposed to be edge-of-your-seat intense. Plus it had some of the most ridiculas action scenes possible to modern science and technology. Awsome.

    Third rule; no more then one nomination per post and you cannot double post( one after another) unless it has been twenty-four hours scince the last post. This concludes your nomination training.
  2. Movie:
    Rocky Horror Picture Show


    Reason for category:

    It's one of those movies that you don't quite fully understand and kind of gives you the shivers, but you can't help but laugh along. I know I did, and I had the Timewarp stuck in my head for MONTHS. :D It made me happy.
  3. movie: digmon movie-english version(dunno the name but had the first digimon team on it and they were battling a super internet virus)


    probibly the most detailed anime movie, pretty funny at the start till the end and well yeah IT WAS AWSOME!
  4. Movie: Session 9

    Genre: Horror/Psychological Drama

    Reason: ;) Watch it. It's a brilliant movie and no matter how many times I end it I always feel extremely creeped out afterwards.
  5. Movie:
    The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


    It's a crazy movie about how much one man's belief can make magical things happen. Watch it and see for yourself. :D
  6. Movie:


    my friend dragged (drug?) me to go see it and i was VERY pleasantly surprised to see that it was f@!*ing amazing. helen mirren is of course fabulous (as evidenced by THE QUEEN) and brendan fraser is probably one of the best actors in hollywood. not to mention paul bettany as Dustfinger.... yummy. i've seen him A Knight's Tale and The Da Vinci Code, and while he was naked in both of those, in Inkheart he decided to just go shirtless. but DAMN. much more attractive in this one. okay i'm rambling, but seriously go see it. my rambl-ish descriptions don't do it justice.
  7. Dragged*

    Movie: The Dark Night

    Category: Superhero

    Reason: I was laughing like a madman when I first saw it, which attracted my fair share of "Shh!" from people in the class. I don't think it was meant to be funny, but I found the Joker to be immensely fantastic. Who wants to see a trick?!

    WHAM! >>' XD
  8. <span style='color:red'>Ooh, ooh, pick me! *whams head*

    Movie: Big Daddy.

    Category: Comedy.

    Reason: It's hilariously amazingly funny. It also has good music in it too. :D Want some chocolate cake?</span>
  9. Movie:The haunting of Molly Heartly

    Catagory: Horror/chick flick

    Reason: The ending. My extreme hatered for the main character and my sympathy for the antagonists made me giggle madly when Ms. protagonist fails to kill herself in time to be saved despite repeated chest wounds I felt that the director was actually making us guys in the audience happy on purpose. Go failed dumb- people suicide!
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