When looking through the trades, I noticed that the entry for astrology says this: <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural Ramathian occurrences and pendragon affairs.</td></tr></table> In what way is this different from terran astrology? And what would it take for Master status in this trade? (Would such be ridiculed for mastering what some would say is nothing but foolishness?)
It doesn't differ much at all. It's just made for Ramathian stuff, instead of terran stuff. As for master rank, uhh, a very well written history?
You would have to ask Jodie for a master rank, and a good knowledge of Astrology too, but PM jodie and ask if you wish :)
Well, wouldn't it be different, considering there aren't really months on RaL? There's just seasons. How would you determine who is born under which star?
Hmm. Thank you all for the help. It seems that character will have to stay on the back burner of my mind for now....