NHD- A Curse...

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Draconan, Mar 15, 2008.

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  1. National History Day, oh how I hate you.

    Yesterday was the competition, I won first place in the Website category. (It is not a live website but I will upload the file to a host for you to download and enjoy. <span style='font-size:2pt;line-height:100%'>Maybe.</span>) There was only one flight for the Websites, I was lucky. The others had 2-5 flights.

    I didn't want to go to state ;; But I have to go, April 10th. I get a free trip to Boise. If I win there I get to go to Maryland. anyone live thur? Maybe I could drop by 8D

    But I don't wanna. Even if making the website is funner than hell, i hate history xD

    This year's theme is Conflict and Compromise, my project is on the Ku Klux Klan.
    Because of me my School took home a first in every category, Websites, Exhibits, Performances, Documentaries, and Papers.

    If anyone's curious here are the projects of the first place winners-
    Website - Me/Ku Klux Klan
    Exhibit - Trench Warfare (Very well done project, I was astounded.)
    Performance - Elizabeth the First
    Documentary - Transcontinental Railroad
    Paper - Ghandi

    I feel bad for the girl with the Joan of Arc website. It wouldn't open.

    On another note-
  2. Is there no prize?
  3. That I'm not sure of, I think you get a prize if you win at National but that's it.
  4. History isn't that bad, it never changes so it should be easy to remember :p

    Congrats on the win, your school to win things often! Once at State do you need to present your website or something? And does the person who wrote the paper need to talk about it? My school never did anything of the sort, so I have no idea how these things work Dx
  5. Probably like regional I'll be interviewed by judges, they'll read through my site, ask me questions, and stuff, then they go off and judge.

    It's how it is with all the different things. The hard part is just making the project xD
  6. i'd love to see the site!
  7. It's not a live site sadly. Sorry D:
  8. So liek.

    I just got back from pwning all the noobs at state.

    I got first! Go me.

    Anyone want to pay for my plane tickets to go to national? 8D
  9. wow, good work! (:
  10. 2 win's in a row I guess. (I wonder how hard national will be.)
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