Newbie Questions: I'm new here, and I need some help!

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by acege, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. Why can't I create a character? Help! :paw:
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  2. And when I do make a character, can I please be a Thaga? I love them! :rainbowfire:
  3. Hello there Acege, welcome to Shadowlack!

    You should be able to create a character, just go up and click on 'Characters' on the upper right navigation bar. However you can't have a Thaga as those aren't one of the 8 playable species. But you can write thagas into your stories!
  4. Darn... okay. Hey... didn't the guide or something say that there are 9 playable species? Hmmm... must just be me. Thanks for the help!
    shriker likes this.
  5. There are nine playable races... but you can't currently create a Rapine character. >__>
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