Resolved New mammal?

Thread in 'Help Desk' started by Eniar, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. I know we're allowed to just add them to the Wiki, but I wasn't sure if this was an acceptable idea or not, since it's more for a plot (for yet another new character, hehe) than anything else, and I thought it was kind of what Breeders might be up to, if it's even at all possible. ^^;

    plural name: Leymas
    phonetic name: Leam
    fauna classification: Mammalian
    biome: Desert, Grassland, Savanna
    frequency: Very Rare
    fauna size: Large
    lifespan: 40-50
    diet: Carnivore
    creator: Jynx


    The Leym is the final product of decades of research and experimentation on behalf of the Ballumyju tribe's breeders and genetic scientists, a genetically altered mix between a Macy and a Thaga. They were created with the purpose to protect and serve their masters, which brought the Thaga into the equation; they bred loyalty and natural weapons into the bloodline, creating powerful beasts that could be paired with a Nioti in childhood and become a protector for the rest of its life.


    Male Leymas are significantly larger than females, with a thick mane of fur around their necks, heads and chests, surrounding their face. They can grow to be almost seven feet long, and almost five feet high at the shoulder. Males are more muscular, giving them a broader, heavy appearance. They are not fast, but they have incredible stamina, able to move for miles carrying "their cub" on their back. Their faces are broad, resembling the Terran Lion save for the thick bone blades sprouting just behind their jaw and curling up and out, used to tear open the meat of their prey--or a rather unfortunate enemy--and make it easier to pull the meat apart. Two more blades sprout from their shoulder blades, arching over their heads and preventing anyone from jumping onto their backs too carelessly. Their tails end in a little tuft of hair the same color as their mane, and from the tuft sprouts a large blade which, besides their claws, is a male's main weapon.

    Female Leymas are slim and slender, known more for speed than strength. A smaller mane covers their throats and heads, most easily descirbed as heart-shaped around their faces. They share many traits with the males, such as the jaw blades, but they are smaller, curving more femininely. She has a tuft the same color as her mane, and the tail blade, while smaller and curved more, is the same as the male's.

    Both genders' coats come in all different colors. Their pelts are always a single, solid color, but it is not uncommon to see a Leym tattooed by their "cub." Most often these tattoos are matching, in some way, and show the bond between the two formed from childhood.


    Leym are bred to be loyal, and this above all is what seems important to them. To be trustworthy to your chosen cub, and to any family they would have, is the highest honor they reach for. They are extremely protective, and would rather die than let their cub be harmed. Females have more of a vicious streak than males do, but when you hurt what they love they seem sentient enough to know exactly what you've done, and bring you exactly the same--an eye for an eye. They also, strangely enough, seem to have a personality that matches their "cub."

    A note on Habitat:

    Because they have been bred into existence, most of the population resides with the Ballumyju tribe. Most of the adults have been raised as a companion, and so it can only be assumed that, when a litter is born, they teach their cubs to be a companion, too. This is a species that will probably always grow within society, despite their inclination for the wild.
  2. Hm, I guess I just have a small thing to add. You have a few inconsistencies, where you say "genetically altered" and then "bred". It'd say it's plausible for a Macy and Thaga to be spliced together, but certainly not bred. So if you worked a little more pseudo-science into it, it should be alright. :musicnote:
  3. Okay. Sorry it took me so long, been working nights. >< I'll work on it a little more and try to fix that. :)
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