MySQL Error

Thread in 'General Chat' started by shriker, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Mm, am I wrong in assuming that many people have been getting this "mySQL error: Too many connections" error lately? I know that a few people have emailed me about errors... but not many specify just what exactly that error is. ^^; It really helps if you tell me what exactly the error message is in your email. I've contacted my host about it anyway. So hopefully it can get sorted out.
  2. Aye, I've seen it before. Next time it happens to me, I'll take a screen shot. =)

    If it happens to somebody else first, and you don't how to take a screen shot, here 'tis:

    With a PC (I don't use Macs) you hold down ALT and the Print Scrn button at the same time (like pressing CTRL+ALT+Delete), which the Print Screen key is above the Insert button, which in turn is above the Delete button on most keyboards. Then, go to a paint program and paste, save it, send it. =)
  3. I actually haven't been getting any errors at all. o.o Maybe it's just because I come to the board at very random times, and usually it's pretty late/early my time.
  4. I haven't gotten that error, but Jodie, you know how you said you just got 30 applications all at once recently? Well, I had 20 some e-mails in my inbox today, 15 of them from Ramath-lehi. But they were PM notifications from November. Oo;; I just thought that was a bit odd.
  5. I got that error tonight at about 2:30 AM... blagh.
  6. Mrrg... yeah, I know. It's still been happening. :[ There's nothing that I can do about it though. My host just has the MySQL server that we're on so crowded full of other sites, that whenever there's really high activity (even if this site is dead still) on said server, we're going to get that error.

    A person that I talked to just recently said that they were going to "rebbot" the server. Reboot you moron. -.- A fat lot that will do though... if the server is overloaded because there's too many people on it, then rebooting isn't going to help.

    We've been with these people for almost two years now, but I'm really considering changing hosts at the moment. :P
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