
Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by Espatier, Sep 18, 2013.

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  1. #1 Espatier, Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2013
    Greetings and salutations to all --

    I'm mostly going to be a lurker until I get a "Feel" for everything.

    I enjoy creative writing, history and like a book worm -- READ!.

    How in the world did you get here?

    I belong to a different writing group and was looking to find something new via a friend.

    What do you find the most intimidating about us?

    I don't find it intimidating I find the details refreshing

    • What should we call you? Aliases are fine!
    I would liked to be called " Espatier"
    • When and where did you first start roleplaying? Is Shadowlack your first online play-by-post game?
    I first started role play with others in highschool then moved to on-line later.
    • How did you find out about Shadowlack?
    I belong to a different writers group and was told about this place.
    • Do you have any pets?
    Yes, I have several pets. Mostly dogs
    • What's your favourite animal, genre of music, or video game?
    Animal - Raptors
    Music - Varies
    Video Games - COD XBOX360​
  2. Hi Espatier! Welcome! Lurkers are cool. We have tons of them.

    Do you find playing a FPS game on a console difficult at times? I've never quite been able to do it. I think playing FPS's on PCs is far too much ingrained in me... and I've never been able to develop the same level of twitch reflexes when playing via a console.
  3. Thank you for the warm welcome and the quick reply. Yes I can manage a bit of both PC, XBOX360 and others in FPS but enjoy writing the most.
  4. Ahoy Espatier! Welcome to Shadowlack :D

    By raptors do you mean the dinosaurs or the birds? :p

  5. "Accipitridae", yes the birds. In fact we are having a meet in NV this jan and I'll be more than happy to post harks and falcons catching prey.

    if that is ok...
    shriker likes this.
  6. Oh, I'd love to see those! (as long as they aren't too graphic anyway...)

    I think your new character and my character Xairyn could have some interesting plot interaction of being opposites (illegal to legal, legal to illegal). At least that's what I'm assuming from his employment field :p
  7. Sure that sounds great!. But i'm struggling with additional tradecraft right now, etc.
  8. What exactly are you struggling with...? Anything we could do to help?
  9. Illegal Artistry: Skill set
    • bribing
    • con artistry
    • cheating
    • forgery
    • Lock Picking
    • running
    • seduction
    • spying
    • tracking
    I see that alot would fall under these skills but are broken up instead.. why?
  10. Ah. They're broken up in order for characters to specialize. For example, bribing, lock picking, running, seduction, spying, & seduction are not necessary "illegal" trades depending on your character's affiliation, and what they use their trades for. Illegal Artistry is more of an umbrella term for all of the "underworld" things on the planet that are generally frowned upon by the government, or are outright illegal.

    Also, there are no rules against your character practising trades that he/she does not have listed on their profile. :) Forcing people to pick two trades simply allows people to decide a general direction in order to take their character in, and further specialize if that's what they see fit.
  11. That helps a great deal!.
    shriker likes this.
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