Resolved Lukuo Mutation Question

Thread in 'Help Desk' started by FlyingTime, Mar 30, 2010.

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  1. Is it possible for a male Lukuo to have multiple tail flames(on different tails)?
  2. Mutations are normally things like multiple tails or wings - something physical. Having multiple tail flames on different tails could probably happen, but would be more rare than extra limbs. It'd be a different way of channelling Fronima through the body (or being the vessel for Fronima), which you may be able to support given the flux at the moment.

    My doubt is because it's normally a physical mutation, but I don't rule out multiple tail flames because if a character can have multiple tails, they can have multiple flames, so what's really to stop them from consolidating some tails and keeping the same number of flames? Considering too that Fronima can be controlled, it ought not to get in the way, especially for a character prone to genetic variations anyway. Bearing in mind though - about the 'controlling' point - that Fronima is extremely unstable right now; could probably lend itself to multiple flames.

    I say yes, they can =) I don't seem to reason why they can't. If there're any issues you'll get a PM straight away =)

    Ah, one thing, I don't think they could have so many flames they'd be some kind of walking pyre. Two or three keeps coming to mind. Just keep it believable and all should be cool ^,,^
  3. Ah, thanks. =) I was only thinking of two so thats good.
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