I've returned from the Dead!...

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Lycanshero, May 9, 2008.

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  1. I died when I said I had free time, but then my boss turn around and took it away from me...
    But I finished my paperwork and now want some fun, so I hope I get welcome backs from all...

    P.S. Sorry for not posting in the absense thread, didn't think it was going to take me 3 to 4 days... *scratches* I swear my boss is trying to kill me... hehe
  2. lol, lets just hope your boss won't take you away again.
  3. No, I'm on a 3 week vacation as you folk can say... ^.^
  4. yay free(3) week!

    =_= oh my metarist is all rp out. (curse having one character!)
  5. awww you should make another charrie then ^_^ *runs away*
  6. i'm still editing a draft verson of one
  7. oooouuu! I look forward to it ^_^! If you get stuck i'm ususally floating about! *floats away*

  8. I do have two chars in mind, just need to come up with info for them... hmmm... I think I can make some for these 3 weeks... hehe
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