Impending Doom?

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Temrin, Apr 28, 2009.

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  1. Just letting you guys know, that ive been doing some tests on my comp, trying to figure out why its acting completely strange. And i have found that my Hardrive is failing. I dont know how long it has, and how long it'll be until i get a new drive. -sigh- but i am doing my best to preserve my comp for as long as possible and have most everything backed up (except for more recent stuff. ) Trying to find the warrant on this thing. As well as looking into getting a new drive.

    So, if i randomly just stop coming online, then you know why.

    (Alex, if you could take over my plans in the GA that'd be great. Just until i get back, and if my drive crashes. I'll try to jack my parents computer to let you all know if it DID die.)

  2. No problem, I have it covered =) I hope it's all less guffalaxed soon! :starshine:
  3. thank you~ and me too. Its slowly dieing. hopefully it wont die before the weekend >. ><br /><br />-- Wed May 13, 2009 1:23 pm --<br /><br />well, best buy is stupid. I have my comp back. but it still glitches. things don't work. And it failed my hardrive test. So. Im pissed. Im going to be trying to raise money to get a new computer. *sigh* this computer is a fail computer. but i will replace the hardrive and use it as a back up once i get a new one. We'll see.
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