I'm baaaaack

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Lautir, Jun 17, 2009.

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  1. HEY ALL! I've returned from my vacation, brought back some British Pink Eye and already spent hours on Facebook stalking my new friends and uploading around 600 pictures.


    As you can see I was very moved by European fashion. And after I bought that helmet I was known as 'Miss Impulse Helmet Purchaser'. Some people just don't understand the love between a girl and her helmet :3

    I have a nice long livejournal entry I need to write up and more laundry to fold, so fill me in. What have a missed while I was gone? How's everyone else doing?
  2. oh yey! i was just checking the board, wondering if i should reply our thread right about now seeing as you were probably back by then (;

    what is the helmet for?! lol falling?

    if so, i'll take two!

    things've been good on my side, i've been er, working a field job (yes!) so hiking all weekday and getting bitten like mad by mosquitoes.
  3. Well falling is pretty hazardous, but so far it has saved me from hitting my head on our travel bus when I was unloading my bags. It will also go awesome with my future scooter! Vroom!

    A field job sounds like a good way to enjoy the summer weather while still working! Minus the mosquitoes, which I am saddened to be returning to.
  4. What kind of snacks did you bring? :3
  5. Well I did accidentally carry around a Dutch airplane sandwich for all my flights back home, none of the custom officers wanted to take it from me and I didn't want to eat it. So it made it from Amsterdam to my house xD
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