Whee... I recently was looking through my e-mail archives and found the old RaL newsletter that people tried to start up. I liked the idea, and was sad to see it go comatose. Newsletter: *coma* Anywho, I was thinking that IC, at Janardan, we could start a student Newspaper. A few characters could meet IC and put together stuff for the newspaper, and every so often we could produce a real thing and stick it up on the Janardi\an web site. OOC people could submit articles or whatever for the real thing. I was also thinking we could have little "anouncement" sections, maybe a comic strip, and personal ads. Jiss, I want the personal ads for my own amusement. ^^ So if you're interested, post a reply. *poke* We can work something out.
hmm.... i think we had an idea like this before. But I think Kari_Dragon was in charge of it. But since she's gone.... Sure why not? I'm coming back from 4 tests and a reseacrh paper discussing explaining this weird thesis I formed in 12 seconds" Obesity can have serious physical as well as psychological effects on a person." Which i am still in the process of planning (Due Dec 22) So, I'll get someone in on this one. I wrote a poem called "Today", and wouldn't really mind sharing it. It's very funny the way I wrote it, Especially for the fact that it's all true. I'll bring either Suro or Veja on this. *flips coin*
:] Count meh in this sounds so very fun. I could doodle up a comic strip if you're interested, seeing as both me and one of my characters are artsy types. ^-^ This is such a neat idea...
Student paparazzi! *screams!!* ^_~ ahem. I'd certainly read it! And mayhaps get some characters of mine to do something dastardly enough (by school culture standards. lmao) to get put in print. mwahaha
*snort* With what I know of your characters, Zeva, I can only imagine. As for Skylink and Sadistic_tendencies, sounds good. I was thinking of having Nafel be the person to do this, since she writes and composes and whatnot, and I might have Nurono (her boyfriend) stop by occasionally and Jyta (Nurano's cousin) come in sometimes. But mostly Nafel. I have lotsa' things to do for school now, but this weekend I shall put the post up for the first meeting of the club. I'll post in this thread when it's up. ^^
Meh. I'm on me school's newspaper staff, and I can just.... Copy over articles I write for them and credit it to an NPC. Cause none of me charries write... Illiterate fools! Dun know what dey missin'.
You know, it'd actually be sort of interesting to have a Janardan student plagiarize stuff that gets published in the newsletter. It could be a neat mini-plot. Awful consequences for the offender if they're caught though. I'm just going to shuffle this thread over into the IC News Section. Maybe we'll get some more people interested if it's being shown on the site index. :P
I could volenteer Salme, she's about my only literate char. I could do small articles and comics too. ^^
s for Jodie. ^^ Yay! People are interested! And the plagerisim deal would be nice... At least, for us. The characters would be not happy. Someone feel free to start that little miniplot. Okay, here are sections that characters might work on: Current Events (Sports games, new classes, new teachers, etc.) Comics (Just what it sounds like) Class Related Things (Changes in time or location) Personal Ads (in charge of collecting them and whatnot) Stuff Ads (Like a Ramath-lehian Craig's List ^^) Feel free to add suggestions for things. I can't think of any at the moment, I'm braindead from school.
Lesse... I can do comics, articles, ads... And what about the possibillity of notices on Janardan swag for sale? Like hoodies and sweat pants and such... I know my school newsletter comes with mini catalogs for that stuff and a little order form...
At me school paper, ve haff a few main sections. News, Editorial, Feature, and Entertainment. News is self-explanitory-- there's a campus calender, news shorts from various clubs, a staff box, and various little articles. Eds are just people's opinions on thing-- I recently wrote one comparing public school with private school. Features are like human-interest stories, like Homecoming. Last year, there was a choice feature about RPG's. Made me happy. We've also had one about various forms of art, as well as linguistics. Entertainment is wicked awesome. We have a concert box with all the upcoming local concerts listed, a game review section, an old series about making things out of duct tape, a cartoon strip, and even 'scopes. Scopes would be awesome. Oh, and news stories follow the format L-Q-T-Q-T etc. Lead, quote, transition, quote, transition... Just look at any paper and you should see it.
lmao! Kit (Kitsufox) and I were talking about that about a month ago. She was interested in setting up astrology, and I was busy fixing the gods list and their attributes ('cause it's kinda jumbled right now ^^;; ) So, assuming I don't turn into an enormous lazy ass, it's safe to say that we may have (pending approval) astrology within the next month. hehe xD
Can we start about how the Yankees lost so horribly 10 - 3? lol. I think u meant astronomy, if ur taling about horoscopes. But other than that. pulling up some of the old suggestions that i remember. There was Character of the Week/Month(however often it is),User of the Week/Month, but that's sounded a bit OOC so I think that was fed to the rapine. We can have an artist thing. Where there was one picture, drawing, whatever. And somebody writes about what they think about it. And we can have one of those things where one kid talks about the new 'fad'. like Blue is the new red and stuff like that. I'll think of some more stuff. Science hw start.... now.
No, http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=astronomyastronomy</a> is the study of planetary bodies (etc) from a scientific perspective, http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=astrologyastrology</a> is the study of constellations and their (supposed) effect on human beings personalities. Slightly OT: I think horoscopes are completely bogus. I don't think anybody can predict the future of another just by knowing what sign they fall under astrologically. (I do however believe in deja vu, as it happens to me regularly. o_o ) I definitely think there's something to astrology, though, because people do act like what they're supposed to based on when they were born. (You have to know a lot about astrology, which I do, because it's a hobby. If you only look to one sign's description, then of course, no you won't fit into it perfectly. It's too vague. But if you look to your moon sign, and to the signs in the rest of your houses, then bring in asian astrology, and other astrologies, such as mayan, then your personality can be pegged to a T. It's scary in a really cool way. hehe.) Back to the paper: We can having a "bitching" section, where a student or students can anonymously bitch about a professor and their difficult classes. (I wouldn't advise bitching between students, because that'd just cause problems. But a child libeling (in print 'tis libel, in speech 'tis slander!) an adult I think is fine - the adult should take it in good humor, and perhaps adjust their teaching methods if the slam is acurate and not a total and complete exaggeration. ;]
The thread is offically started! http://shadowlack.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=2869http://shadowlack.com/forums/index ... =19&t=2869</a>
Does the newsletter need any art or drawing of any sort in it? if it does you might be able to pursuade anja to join.