I is out of hiding!

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Madgirl, May 5, 2008.

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  1. *peaks up through some undergrowth*


    Yes, I suck. BIG TIME! In my defence, I blew my computer up. If anyone has a macbook, trust me, the keyboard covering is the way to go! :death: I have a shiny new iMac now and she's sexyful! And there is a keyboard cover too.... University has been a bit shit too but it's under control. I think. But sadly I won't be graduating this summer :'( Stupidness.

    So yes, hello and anyone want to rp pm me and I shall actually respond now!!!!!!! x
  2. -squee- Madgirl! You are back! That is like the most awesomest thing ever! You've seriously been missed! :heart:3

    And i would SO start an RP with you but as usually my creativity levels are shot. maybe after my current RPs are finished and the one RP thats in the waiting, we should SO RP. I don't think i've actually RPed with you one on one! Thats CRAZY. lol
  3. SQUEEEEE CRYSTAL!!!! Huggles. Aww I was misseded :P I don't think we've ever rped solo no :o We need to fix that!! lol Nice to see you around still! x
  4. Welcome back to the land of the living. :P
  5. Hellllloz! Its nice to see you're back! ^_^ hows things away from uni?

  6. Welcome back :D It's good to hear from you again.
  7. Welcome back person that I don't know. *Gives cookie*
  8. woot you return once more ^^

    welcome back
  9. Oooo old faces and new I like! :D *nibbles cookie then Phoenix steals the rest* o_O
  10. (ohhh i was gonna steal that :cookiebitten: *cry*)

    hi mate nice to meet ya!

    (oohhhh 100th post!)
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