Thread in 'Game-Related' started by lionteeth, Aug 10, 2008.

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  1. with my newly-created character, i thought it might be cool to get some kind of plot going in addition to jumping right on in. jaipur is young, doesn't know what she's doing, but dreams big and has a current need to find some kind of gang / crime organization to join up with!

    so! does anyone play a character involved in a gang, or any other kind of illegal organized activity? i haven't a clue as to the in-game crime history of ramath, so if you'd like to fill me in or point me in the right direction, that would be great!

    alternatively... if there's no current crew for jaipur to potentially join, if you have a character she could meet and scheme with, maybe make some naive and potentially destructive plans, i would love that too. i'm open to any ideas, just need delinquent action!!

    ps: also toying with this idea: in addition to being raised on bhim, jaipur has (potentially) never been to another continent. if she were to visit a "major city" for the first time, where would that be? i've read and read forum descriptions, and it's possible that i've just missed it, but which are the sprawling, huge metropolis areas? like in the united states, how i could say "new york" or "chicago" and most would automatically understand the magnitude of city i'm talking about... does ramath have any kind of equivalent?

    thanks in advance, and i hope to find someone(s) to collaborate with!!
  2. The largest cities are Aurius, Watani, and in Ajita. 8D Annnnd - my character Aiden is a hitman, and my other character, Genocide, is a prostitute, and lives with a small group of other hustlers. ;3
  3. My new one, Rylio, he's in a gang too, in Watani, despite his age. Pendzez, my first character, he's in a clan, but they don't do criminal stuff.
  4. well, if either (or both!) of you would like to have a thread with me, i would love it! while i'm still learning the ropes i think it would be cool to have jaipur meet someone already involved in the underworld she aspires to join.

    if either of you are interested i have a few loose ideas we could start it off with, but if you had any ideas that's fine with me too. or we could do a 3-person thread... let me know.

    (the only drawback is that i'm leaving for my cousin's wedding tomorrow, and will be gone for three days. if the hotel has wireless i'll still be on, but if not, i'll be back on saturday.)

    thanks for the help, guys.
  5. my character Eturalla is a con artist and a seductress/prostitute...
    and she picks pockets in her spare time :]
  6. I'd love one! Something with Atti might be really interesting, too. :3
  7. great!! okay:

    i think this will be jaipur's first time venturing outside of bhim (assuming we will have a thread taking place on another continent). depending on the personalities and tendencies of your characters, i thought maybe one of them could be in terhesian port / black market area and either convince/offer jaipur to leave with them, or she could talk her way into tagging along. it wouldn't create be any obligation on your character's part, more of a "hey, get me out of here!!" deal. BUT, if that's out of line with your character's actions or generally not feasible, we can pick somewhere else for the thread and i'll make up the backstory of her leaving bhim.

    so that's one idea. there's three of you here now, so we can have the (leaving bhim OR meeting somewhere) thread together, or i can do separates with all of you... attrius sounds very interesting as well, i'm definitely not limited to crime-leaning threads only.

    anything's good with me, let me know, everyone! i'm just excited to start. :]
  8. Atti could be in Bhim, stocking up on coke and nujeq - maybe he bumps into Jaipur, and allows her to tag along with him? He's switching residences between Chafuo and Watani, so she could stay at either of his apartments - he's something of a good Samaritan. x3
  9. Now lion, I would like to have a 3-person thread, but I'm in the middle of a multi-person thread, and I'm not in a mood for a 3-person one, so I would suggest a you and me one.
  10. attrius: this sounds great to me! would you like to start the thread, or shall i?

    dragon: sure thing, we can do our thread. did you have any particular place in mind?
  11. Well lionteeth, one in the Black Market will do. Now for a plot, um...
    Ok Rylio is sent there by his gang to pick up somethings, which will be mentioned later, and he runs into Jaipur and says that she can tag along if she doesn't get in the way of his job.

    How about that, or do you have anything in mind?
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