
Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by cain32, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. I really don't know about this whole thing I just wanted so interesting and so I just sorta went on a adventure throughout the wild and magical thing we call the internet and ended up here, I suppose once you truly know me you will either completely love me or wish I was dead I am a nice guy in general but I am very direct and frequent to speak exactly what my mind thinks, it a blessing and a curse I suppose, in any case I have no idea what it is but I like that ya know just going in blind and experiencing something new I guess.
  2. Hi Cain, welcome to Shadowlack :D

    It's always fun to experience something new (well, almost always, there are probably new dangerous things that are best to avoid...) Don't hesitate to ask any questions, everyone here is happy to help out :)
  3. > I am a nice guy in general
    Don't say that. Just be a nice guy. :) Welcome! Tell us a little more about yourself, so you don't sound as much like a Markov chain. How did you stumble upon Shadowlack? Do you have any previous fantasy or science fiction interests? Books, movies, or television shows?
  4. Yeah I have a slight concern, your system creating characters is a bit broken, it just wont allow me to create a character. Also where does the IC come into play, is it only in game or it for all the forums except for a few forum sections?
  5. Are you getting any particular errors? Eg., A permission error, or something else? It's possible that your account hasn't made it into the full member group just yet. Sometimes that can take up to an hour after your second post.

    As for where In Character is: it's all of the boards listed underneath the "In Character" category heading, and also all of the boards listed underneath the "Accessories" heading.
  6. Second post ? I was lead to believe it was one to gain full members permission?
  7. Sorta. :) It runs on an hourly cron. So it can sometimes lag behind. Glad you were able to create your character though.
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