Hi, this is my first PbP RPG experience, I am looking forward to trying it. I am married and have a 2 year old daughter, so I think this play style is something I can fit into my life easier than a regular tabletop session. Looking forward to trying it, and experiencing Shadowlack with all of you!
Hiya Darth, welcome to Shadowlack :D Play-by-post is definitely a good way to go for unpredictable schedules!
Welcome, Darth! Writing short posts here is something that even the busiest people can fit into their schedules. People don't even have to worry about timezones either. It's pretty awesome. :)
That's certainly a great place to start. :D Please let me know if you have any questions! We don't get too many people who haven't done PbP roleplaying before, so it'd be great if you're able to tell us if you find any of our explanations confusing (or lacking!).