Hello inhabitants of the internet, I stumbled upon this site and it looked pretty amazing, I haven't Role-played in quite a while, but this looked pretty fun so I said what the heck, anyway I am RiotShielder, AKA Riot. I first started Role-playing in a WarCraft 3 Map called SotdRP (Serpents of the Depths RP) and that use to take up several hours of my day. I found Shadowlack by one of Iversia's Xenforo add-ons called Iversia FAQ, My favorite kind of music is Techno and Classical, and my favorite game is Minecraft, but I also love League of Legends, StarCraft 2, and Guild Wars 2. I hope to have a good time here, and I will probably be reading just about everything I can here within the next few days.
Hey Riot! I hope you have a good time too. :) What's your favourite thing about Minecraft? I know that the modding community there has absolutely exploded with creativity, and that there's so much more that you can do with the game now.
I personally run a server, which is my favorite thing to do, running a community is so fun, as well as introducing new things for them to discover and toy with, and actually Mojang (makers of Minecraft) are introducing an official way to create and download mods, which is a pretty big step.
Hi Riot! Welcome to Shadowlack :) Techno and classical, eh? Would happen to know any good mash-ups between those two? I feel like that I would be something I would enjoy! I keep meaning to get back into Minecraft but my friend shut down our server and I just don't have the time for it right now. But someday! Someday I will build my snow covered castle =D
Thanks! I have no idea of a song using techno and classical, I'm thinking it would sound pretty cool though, and Minecraft has changed a lot recently, there was actually a new update last week.
Welcome fellow human! In the interest of spreading awesome music, I give you some stuff from me playlists. Not exactly techno/classical, but some modern stylin's with classical instruments: Nuttin' but Stringz - hiphop/classical? Lindsey Stirling - dubstep/classical Apocalyptica - metal/classical And these guys do a lot of really beautiful takes on popular songs using only cellos: 2Cellos ....I like music.