hello, world.

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Beast, Jul 30, 2023.

  1. i recently started playing neopets again, and clicking on the rp neoboard reminded me of how much time i spent writing, drawing and rping here as well! it seems like this place is pretty quiet these days, but it was nice to see the site's still up.

    i just wanted to say thanks for providing this outlet for young me to be creative. :rainbowheart:
    shriker and Temrin like this.
  2. Me too! Seeing them hopefully take neopets into a better future, I've been trying to play again. https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=temrin if anyone is interested.

    Folks are still around here and the Discord server sometimes, but yeah it's quiet. I wish I had more time to roleplay but i'm glad people still find their way back now and then :3
  3. Gonna say, it has been really cool to see some Neopets revival. :D It's still a great brand.

    Thanks for thinking about Shadowlack. ^_^ I'm doing my best to keep things up running here, though we're due for another forum upgrade. I'll likely end up consolidating things more to keep supporting people's writing projects. :rainbowheart::rainbowfire:
    Temrin likes this.
  4. Peeking in because I saw the updates on Discord and have been feeling nostalgic for roleplay. Also, because Neopets!

    That's fun that you've gotten back into it, Tem!

    I'll join once there's a revival of lupe pack guilds ;)

    But all joking aside, I'd like to start writing again. Would entertain getting back into roleplaying. Some of my past characters from Shadowlack still haunt my mind.
    Temrin likes this.
  5. Sort of back into it anyways. I'm only really able to check it like once a week, so my poor neopets are still starving all the time. T_T But it's interesting checking it out again. The new folks running it seem to have a lot in mind for updates so i'm excited to see what they do to bring it back up to speed for today. I love that they brought back a lot of the games~

    I've been wanting to do more writing myself. Going to be trying to write stuff to go with some upcoming artworks perhaps, but who knows, maybe a roleplay. (If I can come up with ideas and keep them going or actually find a way to end them. I'm not great at that XD )

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