Hi! I'm Andreth, and this is not my first PbP rpg site. However, the style of things here seem a little different then what I'm used too. I am a huge Tolkien fan and thought this site looked interesting. Nice to meet you all!
Hi Andreth! Do you happen to have a favourite Tolkien book, or is it safe to assume "all of them"? :)
Hi Andreth, welcome to Shadowlack :D While it feels almost blasphemous to compare us to the great Tolkien I would like to think that we have a similar sense of grandeur when it comes to extensive world building!
Yes, pretty much all of them :P The Silmarillion would have to be one of my favorites, though... I find it awesome that you people find Tolkien so great; most people I've met on similar sites haven't even known who he is >~<
When you dabble in world building, I think it's difficult to not stumble across and be in awe of his works. :) He was certainly prolific and paved the road for much of what we now accept as the fantasy genre. I'm not sure what direction the genre would have taken were it not for him. ^_^
Quit agree, I would also put Terry Brooks (Sword of Shanara) and Anne McCaffrey (dragonriders of pern) on that list.
I've never read either of those books 0-0 I'll look into them after I finish the Eragon/Inheritance(?) series.
I'd definitely say that the Pern series are part of the reason our few generations have loved dragons so much!
Yes, I also recommend the Pern series! Some of the books are slow, and are more of "a day in the life" of certain characters... but the way the world is set up is quite amazing. It's a good blend of technology (they're genetically modified dragons!), as well as down to "earth" new world colonization. Not to mention that how Anne McCaffrey covers sexuality is rather interesting (although damn her for having Bronzes and Golds only Impress heterosexual men and women, respectively. >___>).
Ill definately add that to my need to read book list~ Seriously though there are so many things I need to read but so little time, and no place to find them! >-<
You should check out your local library ;D (I went to library school, I take every opportunity to shamelessly plug libraries!)
Heh about that.... I kinda borrowed the Silmarillion. A long time ago. I might as well have bought it by now... The amount of fees scares me into not going there ever again cx