What should we call you? Aliases are fine! Call me Frost or Frosty. Either or works. ^-^ When and where did you first start roleplaying? Is Shadowlack your first online play-by-post game? Uh, that's a tough one... But my first major RP I've participated in was two years ago, went on for about half a year and died. The second one has been going on since right before the other died and has since last may. So I guess I'm fairly new. How did you find out about Shadowlack? A friend liked it on facebook, no clue what it was. I thought it was another crap page whoring itself out for likes and fame. I then took a look and saw that it was an RP website and I was like 'OH MY GOD I'VE NEVER RP'D OVER A FORUM BEFORE MAYBE I CAN DO IT NOW' And yeah... Do you have any pets? A kitty x3 What's your favourite animal, genre of music, or video game? Cats, Drum & Bass and DotA 2 (Currently)
'Sup, Frost? Bwahaha. Hooray for Facebook page whoring! :P We're an alright sort of game. Good for exercising and improving upon the ol' creativity skills. How are you liking DotA 2?
DotA's been fun. I just discovered OMG mode which is bloody hilarious. I've got a couple questions 'bout this RP system though... More-so on the magic side of things. I was reading up for about an hour or two on the magic and it doesn't seem to have much mention or limitations, are ya still building the system?
Ahh, nope. There really aren't many limitations in regards to magic. It's quite the free-for-all. The only real restrictions come in the form of the "Laws of Magic" which dictate how magic can be used on the planet (and helps prevent characters from you know, blowing us all up or summoning meteor). For the most part we just trust our players to not be dicks to one another, and it's worked so far. :) What kind of art do you do? I need to get back to drawing... I've been rather preoccupied as of late.
Alright and the society is at an equivalent technology level as us in the real world or whereabouts is it? I read tuat space travel is possible, would that technology be like ours or infused wih some form of magic?
Technology wise we've light years ahead of Earth. Teleporters, hover vehicles, cloning, the fun things you often see in scifi shows :3 There is a big mix of magic and technology, so if something is termed Fronima Powered, it means it's powered by magic instead of straight and clear SCIENCE. Often the two go hand in hand. And hello Frost, welcome to Shadowlack :D
I'm used to either pure sci-fi or pure fantasy xF This is new... Been creeping the wiki... Is an assassin or bounty hunter an entirely legal profession? And would my character be able to use Aerokenesis to speed up his movements in a combat or escape situation? AAAAAUGHAGUH AO MANY QUESTIONS...
Those 2 would exist in a kind of grey zone, as they're probably frown upon publicly by the government because they would rather deal with things straightly through gov organizations but because most of them have probably done business with theBounty Hunter Brotherhood or assassins they wouldn't do much to impede their business. So recognized as a profession, maybe not completely legal. But I could see the Brotherhood having legal recognition since they're such a well organized and ancient guild. And definitely yes to the second question.
Been snooping around forums and I see there hasn't been much activity in the past few months since around April. Is there usually an influx of people around holidays and summer?
Activity waxes and wanes. :) There's usually almost always a huge decrease around April due to school and exams, followed by everyone chilling out and taking vacations. Things perk up every now and then though. I've just been working furiously to try and get another project of mine off of the ground... so my own activity has been rather terrible. x_x'