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Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Shadowlack, Apr 6, 2004.

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  1. <span style='color:gray'>
    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Saiko cralls out from the shatows,
    and waits for a unexpected someone to come...</span>

    OOC: ...Yes, I'm bord!</span>
  2. ooc)1: ayou forgot to timestamp so it's hard to tell if it's night, day, or anything, especially with the length in your post. It's normal, when you're new, things like this happen alot. I can barely remember to timestamp myself.
    2)u mispelled shadows but' that's ok

    start ic)Kipcha Siruls//7oo//(f)

    Kipcha was lost again. She ran too far and too fast to know where she came from.
    Oh well, time to slow down. As she hit the brakes on her running, she noticed she past by another, just standing, as if she was ready to pounce. Kipcha backtracked to see just what she was up to.
    <span style='color:purple'>"hello, whatchadoin'?</span>she said to the shadowy one. She was much older than Kipcha thought she was from afar. Kipcha looked up. Lo, and behold she didn't realize she was in the gym.
  3. ((OOC: No worries mate, but next time try to make your post a tiny bit longer))

    Iode sat in the middle of the field playing with a white ball. It was almost Jemdrull season and he had to be in shape for it. He was doing all sorts of tricks with the ball...bouncing it off his tail arms legs, even wings. He eventally looked around as he saw a bunch of other dragons around

    "Well hello I thought I was alone out here..."
  4. Akira walked out into the field not paying any attention to where she is going. her wings were folded back and only twitching a bit because of an itch she had that she could not reach. She sighs to herself not noticing the others around her.
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