for my dad...

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Alkia, Dec 7, 2008.

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  1. dear dad-

    even though you're far away right now
    I don't miss you,
    because it's not much different
    than when we lived in the same house.

    dear dad-

    when I try to think of all
    the good times we've shared
    i want to scream because
    there are so many more times you've hurt me.

    dear dad-

    sometimes I think you don't love me.
    but sometimes the feeling's mutual.

    dear dad-

    i cry every time grandma says
    bad things about you,
    because I know they're all true...

    dear dad-

    i forgive you for forgetting
    my b-day.
    i never celebrate it anyway.

    dear dad-

    once, i wished i was dying,
    because maybe then
    you would be there for me.

    dear dad-

    sometimes i hate you.

    dear dad-

    i wish you were happier,
    because i know you're not.

    dear dad-

    i don't like it when you
    make promises i know you won't keep.
    because i get my hopes up
    every time.

    dear dad-

    i really want things to be different.
    because feeling like i have
    to earn your love isn't right.
  2. gorgeous and painful. i'm sorry you feel that way, Alkia.

    reminds me of the letters never sent in the book 'Hard Love'.
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