Finals are over!

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Beast, Jan 25, 2008.

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  1. That was the longest three-day week of my LIFE.

    But now it's over! I don't have to think about Hongwu or paedomorphism or quintic polynomials again for three whole days. Yay!

    So how have all your semester-one finals been?/Have you had yours yet?
  2. Mine are still going, like the energizer bunny >.>
  3. D: I'm sorry.

    At our school, we get Friday off so the teachers can work all day on grading and stuff. xD Plus we just had MLK day Monday, so we get two three-day weekends in a row.
  4. I had my finals in December, but now mid-terms are already starting again D: It feels like I've just gotten back to school and their already throwing test at us.
  5. Finals? Eek. I just started a new semester. Well... started it the beginning of January.

    My finals were before Christmas break. Can't say I really got much sleep then. Though the work I put into my last projects was worth it. At least the marks seem to suggest that. ^^ Here's hoping that you do stellar as well!
  6. =/ Jodie's going to bat me over the head.
    Math and English were fine.

    But I failed General Engineering x_x; All those wasted hours... countless Powerpoint Presentations... late-night papers.. for an F.

    Then I realized that as a current Digital Media major I don't need that class at all. However, I can't remove it from my transcript until I graduate.. which means that it'll be a literal weight on my GPA until I get out of Poly. I knew I should have dropped that course.... =/
  7. I've failed the most basic art class for the second time, and I've failed a course in the repair of computers... other than that, I think I passed everything, even gym.
  8. for the most part we haven't had finals yet, we're supposed to have them next wednesday and thursday, then we switch classes on friday (pointless)

    But my english teacher defies this law! hehe, we had our finals already, we haven't seen what we got on the essay yet, but as for the multiple choice i think i scored something like 46 out of a possible 50, so that's a 92% on a book I never picked up.

    Now i just have to ace those Latin finals, he gives us six tests over the course of two days, we have to go in during lunch and after school to finish them usually. T_T
  9. Bad Sky! I won't bat you over the head... but that is pretty unfortunate. :/ If you've handed in all of your projects, you could possibly make an appeal for a passing grade. If you haven't handed everything in, you might be SOL. A trick for resumes is to just put the GPA for your last ten courses or so, if you've had a bad introductory year.

    Can't say I've failed any courses myself, though I did almost fail a Math class in high school. I couldn't understand my teacher since she had a really heavy Polish accent, and I couldn't stay after school to get "extra" help because I was a bus student. Numbers just tend to make me go cross-eyed unless I happen to be in a programming mode.
  10. Well, at least my new course schedule is better. Last time it was all over the place.

    Now I have school 4 days a week =] and two of those days are only two hours of Math. =] x2 I should be pulling some A's this semester.
  11. More budget cuts cause my school to have 1/5th of the students without a class in any one school period... I'm one of the unfortunate people who was stuck in a bunch of "electives" I have not elected to, nor have any desire to participate in...

    Music Theory and History is the first one. Tolerable, because essentailly every friend I have is in that class. I can totally dig that... plus it's an easy class, and I need the credit. I'm failing so much stuff...

    I also have Criminal Justice... which is crap. I'll do a lot of BSing in that class, since it's all essay stuff... I'll just lie through it, since it's mostly opinion and I don't intend to pay ANY attention...

    Contemporary Dance is the big one. Like, wut? I... just... don't dance... I'm too self-conscious for that. Medically, I'm not supposed to dance at all anyways...

    Problem is, all classes are full now... So I can't get the things I want, such as, oh, Engineering or Contemporary Issues, which are awesome classes I likely won't be able to get into until senior year, when the roughly 60-70% dropout rate frees up some space for me.
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