Event Idea

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by kutz, Feb 20, 2008.

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  1. Okay, so I woke up this morning, had some trouble with the internet. And while trying to overcome the problem, I had this crazy idea.

    What if Ramath held this event every Ramath year? Ramath-lehi's Next Top Model. Or Idol or something else. Judged by a well known Ramath celebrity and two other talented pendragons. (I've been watching too much TV)

    My idea might not work, but I just need to get this out of my head so I can move on to other things. :D
  2. You mean as an IC event? Go for it if you want. :] I think it'd be pretty interesting... even though I sort of really don't like "reality tv." I think it'd be a great foundation to build some plots upon.
  3. Yes, as an IC event. But I would like what the other members think or if they're up to it. I'm guessing to do this kind of thing, we need some players.

    And it would be a great opportunity for their characters to be famous ICly.
  4. Jello would be a judge ^_~
  5. Would every thread be an episode, or would there be multiple threads of things going on with maybe an IC news announcement of what the rest of the world knows about it?

    Either way I think it could be a fun idea, and depending on age requirements of the contestants I would probably volunteer Cilea.
  6. Sounds interesting but i'm not sure who i would even think of putting in. Maybe Tyolt, or Femp. hmmmm. I dont know o.O
  7. A thread with every episode would be nice. And definitely an IC news announcement - under the entertainment section.

    Three to four judges is the limit. I was thinking of splitting up threads like one thread could be the auditions, another the top 50, then another top 25, so on and so forth. I do need ideas on challenges though. Since this is Ramath, almost anything can happen. I just can't piece them together in my mind.

    Players could play multiple characters just to make it seem that there's more contestants. Hehehe. Would anyone like to suggest some ideas?
  8. Lol my first thought was. Big brother and x factor. lol
  9. I say go for it. What sort of contest were you thinking of specifically? I know that Idol and Top Model were mentioned. I'm just wondering if anyone is sort of really leaning on the type of competition that it would be.
  10. Well for one this is Ramath, so I'm thinking of a contest that challenges a person on various fields. You know, modelling, patience, singing, knowledge etcetc.. and the person who has most of these talents wins.

    I know it's kind of messy. I haven't really thought deeper on it yet. But I am open for suggestions. Basically the contest who be to see who is an all rounder and advertise this person as a perfect role model.
  11. Sounds almost like a modern day beauty pageant. If they're judged on talent/being a role model, maybe it could be to win their own television show?
  12. You mean like put them as directors and ask them to create the best movie ever? If this is it, it'll be very interesting. I would like this to be a long term project.

    Sorry for the late reply of this. Have been busy.
  13. Well that would be a big prize, but no. I was thinking more along the lines of how MTV once did a reality show to choose one of their new host.
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