Doubting Skills...

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Todel, Nov 24, 2008.

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  1. <span style='color:red'>I'm just recently feeling low...and starting to doubt myself a lot. I don't want to feel like I'm whining, but no matter what I try, I just don't have the guts to tell people the hurts a lot. I'm a shy person, and I don't like to cry in front of my friends...I cry at night so no one can see or hear me doing so. I know that what hurts me so much is little compared to others. :( But it's just starting to get too much. Maybe I'm just missing a lot of this: :heart:</span>
  2. tell people the truth about what, doll? i would love to talk about it, but you're being a little ambiguous. regardless, we're here for you at RaL and we'll give you lots of lovings. c:
  3. <span style='color:red'>:3 Yeah, I can be a little ambiguous...the main problem is really very tiny. It's to do with general love and infatuation.^^; I feel happy when I like someone and they like me, but for some reason I can't say it to their face. I freak out. I'm not used to it. And I cry about it, which makes it worse...</span>
  4. sometimes it takes a while. c: sometimes you don't even need to say it. i think we all get a little freaked out saying things like that. i definitely did. s:
  5. <span style='color:red'>Yeah...I just like to tell people what's going through my head. Makes it a little easier to deal with...</span>
  6. yeah, for sure. you should try keeping a livejournal!
  7. I think you should stand out side of their window with a big old boom box and play a sappy love song.

    It would win me over :p
  8. i... wouldn't. really, Todel, if you did that i might barf on you. or Lautir.

    (; (; (;

    i think Lautir actually means, though, is that you should serenade a lover with your guitar and beautiful voice.
  9. <span style='color:red'>A serenade? XD Hmm...I'm not a good singer and can't play a guitar. O.o Thanks for cheering me up though. X3 Oh, and I already have a livejournal thingy. XD I haven't used it yet though. XD</span>
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