Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Xander, Aug 2, 2008.

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  1. Hi, this is your post starter, XANDER. I have had absolutely NO luck finding people to post on my thread at the machina ruins, and I hope that this post will be a place for the usual random chat and thread finding in general, not to mention it's almost the end of summer break here and some back-to-school advice would be REALLY, REALLY, welcome. Any one who can read that in one breath gets a cookie.
  2. I sat here for two minutes wondering whether or not to move this. But since your title screams your main point, I decided to do so. :p

    If you want back to school "advice" (are you starting High School? Good luck <_<), you can start a new thread about that back in General Chat.
  3. Mmm... I wouldn't mind having a thread. Although, I am a very slow replier. If you'll have me, I wouldn't mind ^^
  4. What? Actual human contact on Ramath? I CANT FREAKEN BELEIVE IT! If this thread works I was actully planing to try and keep it up like the newbie thread. It'll help all of us players who love the ideals of this site but still cant find a good roleplay.

    By the way Sky, It's ABOUT to be highschool, this year its 8th grade (ignore the age on my profile, I havn't gotten around to changing my paraniod whim!) so I thiink that getting my anxeity out on a thread is better then going psycho in school.
  5. *Pokes Xander* The game-related forum is actually supposed to be for thread requests. It says so in the description. So you can request for specific plots and things.

    And I want a thread, too! I'll start it, and name it, and give it to you on weekends. O.o Is it a deal? *squeezes kidneys* Please? =D
  6. I would like to RP in that thread you have in the Machina Ruins. I have a character that is an archaeologist. Also I am able to reply daily. I'd need some information on what you think the research team might have found.

    To FlyingWeaselMan: go right on aheadand join! I was trying to gear the thread towards some incredible fronima stone/crystal/thing that brings on an interesting set of events. This events include: explosions, theft, a large Earth bat suddenly apearing and disapearing, and any zings the posters throw in. Like another crystal or a giant artistic robot dinasaur for ideas.
  8. Mmm theft. I have just the right character for that. I would do the plots but I have no time on my hands.
  9. Oh, don't be such a baby. Pick a character! :D *Breaks ribs in bear hug* :P
  10. alrighty! I'll be there!
  11. QUICK! stop, whats that sound, everybody look what's goin' down......
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