Characters for Adoption

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Draconan, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Yeah, you heard me. I'm adopting off some of my pretties. We can still do it, right? I hope so. e_e

    Anywhosists. These are the little 'uns up for adoption.</a> - Takula, Age 20, Journeyman in Astrology and Botany. Pretty amusing design, if I say so myself. If anyone wants a clearer image of what she looks like I can sketch something up. Acidic Winter</a> - Not too fond of her name, to be honest. xD I made her how long ago? I have a pretty old drawing somewhere around my house. She's an apprentice in Dark Sorcery and Shapeshifting. She has some pretty nice features about her, which includes her familiar and her full body cat form. I can also provide a sketch of her if needed. Tkyjm</a> - This dude is 18, he's an apprentice in Physics and Chemistry. He can be a really fun character if you know how to roleplay him right. Roleplaying him didn't seem to go too well for me. He just didn't roll. Maybe one of you other peeps floating around will? Who knows. A sketch can be provided for this dude too.

    I don't really have an application system. As long as you're interested, I suppose. And if you can roleplay them. If you see yourself quitting anytime soon. Then don't apply. I can understand school issues and the sort, however.

    I'm really tired right now. Uuugh.
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