Character Review Process

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Here's information on the Character Review Process, and how the "new" system works. I say new, but it really isn't all that new... since the voting stuff was added several months ago.

    Anyway, since this isn't posted up on the site yet, I thought I'd share this here and hopefully give people some more insight as to what goes on behind the scenes. :)


    [h1]The Life of a Character Application[/h1]

    Before a character becomes officially playable on Ramath-lehi's forums, it first must go through a review process. At most play-by-post roleplaying games, a review process is completely unnecessary. However, since Ramath-lehi is based upon a completely original world, we have increasingly found it essential to make sure that player-made characters fit the theme of our game.

    Anonymous Staff Voting

    When your character application is submitted, it gets sent to a special area that is viewable only by staff members and Ramath-lehi's official Character Application Team. Staff members are then allowed to give an anonymous "yes" or "no" vote on the application. Additionally, they are also given the option to leave an anonymous comment on the application. If the application gets two or more "yes" votes, it is accepted. If an application gets two or more "no" votes, it gets denied. Once the voting process has been completed, you will be sent a PM (Private Message) containing the result as well as the comments.

    Denied Applications

    It is not uncommon to get faced with a denied application every once in a while. When a staff member denies an application, they must tell you what you can do in order to improve your character so that it may be accepted.

    Most common reasons for denial:
    • Too many spelling errors.
    • Character somehow breaks our site's rules.
    • Too short; the reviewer likes your character, but would like you to elaborate a little more.
    • Major grammatical errors.
    • Use of chatspeak/netspeak, substituting letters/numbers for words.
    • Inappropriate.
    • Character is heavily based upon a pre-existing figure (whether they be in a movie, television, book, history, etc).
    • Character age and trade ranks do not match up.
    • Character doesn't fit the theme of the game.
    • Character does not seem believable.
    • Character is a Mary Sue, or Gary Stu. (Being too perfect or too powerful with no weaknesses or flaws.)
    • Character's history would make a better daytime soap opera than roleplay background.
      • For example, do not say that your character's entire family has been killed by horribly tragic events, or that your character was abandoned as a child, etc. It's cliché. So unless it's extremely well-written, it will be rejected.
    • Character's history conflicts with Ramathian timeline.
      • The human race and what we call Earth does not exist in Ramath-lehi's timeline.
      • Chances are that your character has never confronted a rapine, and doesn't even know/care about the rapine invasion of Earth.
      • Your character could not have been born on Earth.
    So what do you do if your application has been denied? Easy. Just read the comments that have been sent to you via PM. Edit your character application and resubmit it. Once you've resubmitted your edited character application, it will be placed into the review queue in order to be voted on again.

    Accepted Applications

    Your character has been accepted - great job! There's not much more to it than that. Now start lurking on the In Character forums and find a place to create (or join) your very first thread.

    Frozen Applications

    It happens sometimes. There are people out there who just don't follow the rules. When a player submits what is known as a "garbage" or "spam""character application, it becomes frozen. Additionally, depending on the offence, the player who submitted the application may be banned from the game altogether.

    Character Deletion

    Only you have the power to completely delete your character from the game.
  2. Even though it goes without saying, you should add in the fact that if you copy a current user's character, it is considered plagiarism. We do not accept that and your account will most likely be deleted.
  3. Good point. ^_^ I'll add that to the version that's going on the site.
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