Case File Plots

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Pendzez Zazkex, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Putting aside the Fire anf Venture revision, I asked Jodie about cases that Abigail can solve. She said it would be alright, if there was outside professionals.

    Anyway, getting to the point, it goes out like what you see in any movie or show about crime and cases, but this one will have minor changes. It will have things about this disease, which is pending at the mo.

    The plot.

    The start:
    Four bodies have been found in a diner at Watani on the night of 3rd of Dyo. The bodies are identified Garo Huja, head of the Watani Health Ministry, Jinak Dacur and Hyure Bvara, two of his colleges, and Jokan Mija, a police officer of the WPD. Both were shot in the head. The witness was a female late-shift worker. She says that the four were sitting having some late dinner. She says that Garo and his colleges were sitting together while the officer was sitting three rows away. She says that she went to get the drinks until she turned around, when Jokan stood up and took his gun out and shot the other three, then turned the gun on himself and fired. The witness stated that Jokan was shaking, groaning like he resisting something. She then called the police and an ambulance.

    Gutare Boklyn, former U.S.R. Cadet, now Sergeant of the WPD, came to the scene, inspecting the bodies. He was told that Jokan was experiencing something, but there wasn't anything on his medical about abnormalities. They did a scan on Jokan, found only that there were some unknown findings on his brain. The strange patterns on the scan were baffling. It was sort of the same patterns of those with Telekinetic/Telepathic, but Jokan was neither. Gutare lead to believe that the Lunar Lukuo was behind it, but why the head of the Watani Health Ministry? Gutare was going no where with this investigation, so he called the one person who he thought would be helpful in this investigation. Abigail Wuos.

    Now the plot is to solve out who or what the Lunar Lukuo is, also find out who he is linked onto the case, and find out more on this Gion Sclerosis. So, before taking out planning and all, what do ya think?
  2. Sounds pretty solid. One thing that could use some clearing up is how "Gutare lead to believe that the Lunar Lukuo was behind it...". This is more confusing since you mention that Lunar Lukuo could be a who or what. How did he does Gutare draw the connection? Was there a calling card left(An item/sign a killer will leave to gloat in a way)? Or do the deaths just patch a specific pattern?
  3. Oh, I didn't add something that gives the Lunar Lukuo conclusion.

    The start of it.

    In 81373, Kuja Wyvern, president of the Watani Health Ministry, with his group at the W.H.M, created a serum that was to help with the Gion Sclerosis. Leaving Garo Huja and his department in charge of creating and mass producing the serum, Kuja started to give those with the Sclerosis the serum. Unfortunately, there weren't any results. Kalon Hytra, a scientist that was helping with the serum creation and production, created a vaccine that was said to help as a permanent relief from the disease, however, Garo didn't allow it to go public because it was made without his supervision. He requested that it would be accepted, but Kuja couldn't allow it because it would be himdering in the serum production. Kalon tried again and again, but got the same answer. Therefore, he started to administer it secretly. Those who received the vaccine got good results and showed it to Kuja. Kalon requested again, but died before receiving a decision from Kuja. The last patient that came was a 15 year-old that had the worse case of the condition. He was relieved from the condition and gave a great comment about it to Kuja. However, he wasn't happy that Kalon died. This patient blamed Kuja.

    Calling himslef the Lunar Lukuo, with his abilities, he kidnapped Kuja and held him for ransom. They paid the ransom and he was let go. Three days later, he came to Kuja again, but only saying let's have a coffee. At a cafe, Lunar dove into Kuja's mind, trying to force info out of him about why he kept rejecting the vaccine and allowing Kalon to die waiting. Going no where, Kuja said he would let the vaccine go public by petitioning the Coucil over the matter. Lunar doubted it, but Kuja said he would. Going outside, Kuja was released from the dive. Doing that, he betrayed his word, saying he might not be able to keep it, but won't reveal Lunar's identity. Lunar pointed a gun at him and threatened him on T.V. demanding him to tell the truth about the serum. Police were called and Lunar fled, not reappearing later.

    So, Gutare Boklyn reckoned that the Lunar Lukuo was behind it because Garo and his colleges were part of the W.H.M. and Kuja was president of it. Get what I'm saying now?
  4. Hmm, answers some questions and makes room for a few more. How did Kalon die? Are you implying that Kuja killed him, or is that what Lunar thinks? I find it really hard to believe that three days after you've been kidnapped that you'd go for coffee with your kidnapper, and on top of that, your kidnapper shouldn't be freely walking the streets. And a last question, are any of the same people involved this time?

    But I guess that's all just background information. What parts are you particularly looking to RP with Abigail? Investigation scenes, questioning scenes, chase the bad guy scenes? (I don't really have any characters that would work in this plot so I'm just trying to find ways for other people to jump in)
  5. Ok, Kalon died of illness and his last wish would be to hear acceptance about his request. How about one year after kidnapping? And why can't he walk about freely? No one knows who he really is anyway because he's well covered, not to mention he changes clothes each time. Also, yes there will be the same people.

    With Abigail, nearly every thing.
  6. Ah, okay, so when Kuja was first kidnapped he didn't know who had kidnapped him... that would make sense of why he met for coffee and would then make sense for it to happen only 3 days later.

    I'll be gone in a few days so you don't need to worry about me nit-picking much longer ;p
  7. Give the girl a medal. *clap clap clap* :D

    Sorry to see ya go.

    Anyways, have to wait to see what Alexis and Jodia will say.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:10 pm --<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:41 pm --

    Um, is anyone there? Can you plz say something. It's 2.5 months nearly and didn't get anything. I'm not being rude.
  8. Ok. I've read what you've said. On the surface it sounds good and fairly solid - solid enough to RP I reckon. However I haven't actually read anything on a Lunar Lukuo, and the disease you reference in your first post doesn't exist any more. I'm a little out of touch with what's going on, but I intend to get back to where I was.

    Can you:

    A) Summarise the disease for me - or name it and I can go find it hopefully,
    B) Summarise Lunar Lukuo for me?

    I'll be going back around the site refreshing my memory again soon, but this is so that I can more carefully consider everything. My apologies to have kept you waiting this long.
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