Resolved Better labelling in the forums?

Thread in 'Help Desk' started by shaletty, Mar 24, 2010.

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  1. Hello. When I was writing my message before, I found the label on the post new topic and reply to topic pages for the field where you can write you’re message very misleading. Is it possible for it to be more clearly labelled? It might make things a bit easier for screen reader users.

    I meant this to go in suggestions, but it looks like I can’t post there yet.


  2. Yes, I think I know what you mean. I'll see what I can do to fix those pages up. You'll be happy to know that I am going to be rewriting a lot of the forum scripts, so if there is anything in particular that you think could be done better - it can be done!

    I honestly haven't worked with screen readers in over four years or so. It's interesting to be learning more about them again. You should be able to post in the Suggestions board shortly.
  3. Thanks, I will let you know, but I’ve just found the same strange label in the private messages. I wonder why those fields are labelled like that?

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